Friday, June 22, 2012

Woe is me...

There are a lot of daily activities that have gotten much harder for me since becoming pregnant and I'm sure the list will get longer as my body changes more.  So here's my moment of being a cry baby (pretend I look this cute while doing so!) 

1.  Getting out of bed in the morning.  It's not difficult to wake up, that I have no problem with, but the physical act of lifting my head off the pillow and putting my feet on the floor has gotten to be a big struggle.  I generally wake up to use the restroom...for the second time...between 3:30 and 4 am so when the alarm goes off at 5:30 I feel like I just got into bed.  I also feel heavier.  Even though the scale hasn't changed much I feel like my skin is full of sand and it's so hard to move!

2.  Brushing my teeth.  This has gotten much better since the first trimester but the increased gag reflex and the increased congestion means dry heaving into the sink between scrubbing teeth.  Probably more than you wanted to know, but I'm being honest here!

3.  Getting dressed.  Since I'm still in the in-between my normal clothes and maternity clothes stage, I generally have to nix the first hundred outfits I try on in the morning either because they feel too tight and uncomfortable or they legitimately will not zipper anymore. 

4.  Getting to work on time.  See 1, 2, and 3.

5.  Remembering anything.  Where was I going with this post?

6.  Deciding what I want for lunch/dinner.  There are so many cravings and aversions that I can't seem to keep my tummy and Baby's tummy happy.

7.  Saving money.  Even though I know it's more important than ever to start really saving money I want to buy myself new comfortable clothes and shoes and I want to buy baby stuff and I want to buy things just because that's what I do when I'm moody.  Luckily Dan still has his head on straight and has already started a college fund and some other investments.

8.  Drive.  Those seat belts are not made with pregnant women in mind!  Eventually when the belly gets bigger I guess I'll be able to situate the belt below it.  But right now it just adds more pressure to places that don't need any more!  AND with the increased hormones, everyone's driving annoys me beyond no end.

9.  Fall Asleep.  There's so much to thing about and plan for!  My mind is always racing when it needs to be settling down to go to sleep.  On top of that I cannot get comfortable and like I've mentioned before, I hate sleeping on my side.  I've learned a few tricks to keep myself in slightly more comfortable positions but it's still a challenge.

Despite all this, I am enjoying being pregnant.  I also know that this list is nothing compared to the things that will be difficult to do with a baby in the house so I'm just preparing myself.  :-)  I am just so excited for November!!!


  1. I completely understand you on 1, 3, 4, and 5. Especially 3 and 5...

    It really is amazing how fast you will start to fit into maternity clothes. I find the pants/shorts with the short elastic waist awesome (mid-belly or under belly). The long ones still fall down because they are too big. Target has great in-between maternity shirts. They are still stretchy and long so you don't feel like they don't fit but they are not as big as some of the other maternity shirts.

    But looking good mama!

    My memory has been my biggest challenge. I will be sitting at work and all of a sudden remember something I was supposed to do 2 weeks ago...I had completely forgot about it. Happens at least once a day. So horrible...

    1. Thanks! I'll have to check out Target! Where have you found work clothes? :-)

    2. Sorry it took so long for me to respond. We have been in the process of moving and I haven't had internet. I got all my work clothes from Motherhood Maternity. I have a problem fitting into anything there that has a line under the bust though, so it makes it difficult to find things...

    3. Thanks Megan! I'm going to head to Motherhood Maternity this weekend. A friend lent me a pair of pants from there and they fit great. I suddenly can't fit into my regular clothes today so your post was perfect timing! Good luck with the move, I hope you are doing well!
