Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Week 20 Update! Halfway!!!

This week our baby girl is the length of a banana, 6.5 inches!  This is just the crown to rump length so the legs add to that as well.  I can’t believe she’s already that big!  This week she is developing the sleep pattern she will most likely adhere to as a newborn.  Once I start to feel movement I should be able to tell whether we’ll have a night owl or an early bird on our hands!  From here on out Baby girl will spend most of her time growing and gaining weight and so will I!  :-)

Today marks the halfway point!  20 more weeks to go!  What’s going through my mind?  It goes something like this “ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!!!!”  While I am so excited to be able to hold my little girl, I’m a little nervous about all that’s left to do.  I’ve been reading so much about what to expect during pregnancy but what do I do with an actual baby?  We’re signing up for a baby care class because I’m so nervous.  There’s also a nursery to set up, lots of supplies to buy, and registering for the hospital and day care.  I also can’t help but get a little teary eyed.  In 20 weeks I’ll have to share Baby girl with the world.  Right now she’s all mine, 24 hours a day I know where she is, right with me!  :-)  Yes this is completely irrational and I’d rather have an actual baby than a bump but if I’m being completely honest, it makes me a little sad!

It appears that my forgetfulness has increased this week.  I have an awful time remembering names now.  I’m often times saying “I ran into COL……….ah…..” and having to have the person I’m talking to jump in to save me.  I don’t know what it is but if I start assigning everyone new names then just bear with me for 20 more weeks!

How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  down 2 lbs overall.  That’s up a pound from last week.  Soon Baby girl will start gaining weight more rapidly so I will too!
Maternity clothes?  Yes!  I now own 2 maternity dresses, 2 skirts, 1 pair of pants, and 4 shirts.  I can still make a lot of my non maternity clothing work but maternity clothes are way more comfortable.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Better, I have only been waking up once a night lately. 
Best moment this week:  Finding out Baby Veale is a girl!  And getting to see her during the anatomy scan and learning that she’s perfect and hearing her heartbeat…yes, it was a good week!
Miss Anything?  I’m pretty content this week. 
Movement: No L  Come on Baby, start letting me know you are there!
Food cravings: Nothing in particular but I have been eating a lot of ice cream/frozen yogurt, soup, and salad.
 Anything making you queasy or sick: I’m doing much better on this front.  The trash can is all that’s really making me sick and I still can’t eat pork but can handle a little bacon if it’s mixed in to something.
Have you started to show yet:  Yes!  I have a bump.  It’s still not too obvious in a lot of outfits but if I wear the right thing then people can definitely tell!
Gender prediction: Woo Hoo!  Baby Veale is a girl! 
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  But I do get teary eyed easily…let’s blame it on the extra female hormones in my system!
Looking forward to: The beach!  Also, Dan getting the floors done in the nursery so we can set up the crib, hint hint HINT! 


  1. Super post!Love you and "Nana's Little Princess"

  2. I am so jealous about your weight gain (or lack thereof)...I am horrified to admit that I have gained 17 lbs so far. At my last appointment my doctor said that overall weight gain was good but I had gained too much over the past 4 weeks. I have a feeling they will be more concerned at my appointment next week. :0

    1. I honestly think I've lost muscle weight on top of being sick in the first trimester. I haven't gone back to my workout routine so I'm guessing the missing lbs are muscle. I am clearly growing! The doctor seemed confused at my last appointment..."down two pounds, is that possible?" as she flipped through my chart. But she hasn't seemed concerned.
