Wednesday, October 31, 2012

36 Week Update!

Just 4 more weeks to go!  Not much growing is going on any more.  This week Baby Girl is still in the 17 to 19 inch range and 4 to 6 pounds.  According to this is the size of a honeydew melon (I challenge you to find a honeydew that big!)

Baby Girl's immune system has matured enough to protect her from infections outside the womb and most of her other systems are about ready for go time a well.  The only exception will be her digestive system.  While she's been hanging out inside of me, she gets her nutrition through the umbilical cord, so she hasn't really needed a digestive system yet so this won't mature until some time after birth.  This is her last week of being pre-term, 37 weeks is considered full-term!  I had a doctor's appointment today and everything went well, Baby Girl's heart rate was 137.  She once again gave the nurse a hard time and would not sit still for the doppler reading, she's quite active.

Nothing much has changed for me.  Still feeling the same, back ache and getting tired easily are the two biggest issues.  My new complaints are bad skin and bad hair days.  My hair has taken on a mind of its own.  It can't decide if it wants to be straight, curly, or wavy so glued back pony tails with random pieces of straight, curly, and wavy hair is my new look, lovely.

Here's a "too much information" moment, but hey, I'm putting it all out there for you.  The doctor informed me that I am 1 cm dilated.  Apparently it's normal to walk around dilated for weeks before baby comes.  Something I didn't know.  Yes I am aware that it's weird that I shared that with all of you, but I'm pregnant, you knew it was going to happen eventually!

How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  Up 18 lbs overall.  No gain since last week.
Maternity clothes?  I think I may need to break down and buy a couple cold weather items…my summer maternity clothes are not cutting it in the 40 degree weather.
Stretch marks? Nope! 
Sleep:  An hour at a time.
Best moment this week:  Hearing Baby Girl’s heart beat at the doctor’s.
Miss Anything?  Hubby.
Movement:  Lots of it!
Food cravings:  Nothing in particular although my favorite meal has been chicken tortellini and broccoli with just butter and salt, I think I’ve had it for lunch and dinner for the past 4 days.  I’m really hoping we get enough trick or treater’s to make a dent in the pile of candy I bought…
 Anything making you queasy or sick: Still all the same culprits but we can now add crab to the list which is odd since it was an early craving.
Belly Button in or out? Neither but it’s really looking like it wants to pop out!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Labor signs?  Nope. 
Looking forward to:  Buying a baby Halloween costume next year!

Saturday, October 27, 2012


I love how the nursery has come out! Everything is finished except for the light which has not come in yet and some closet organization but that can be said for every closet in my house. I'm dying to show you all the pictures but I can't just yet since her name is quite prominently displayed above the crib. So, I'll have to keep you in suspense. But here's what I can show you!

We are set to change diapers, play with toys, and read lots of books! I'm so excited!

Friday, October 26, 2012

35 Week Update!

5 weeks left!  This week Baby Girl is the size of, well, a baby!  She actually won't grow much more length wise, she just has some plumping up to do.  But we'll stick to the drill and say she's the size of a coconut at 17 - 19 inches long and 4 - 6 lbs! 

At this point Baby Girl's hearing is fully developed and she probably responds best to high pitched noises, she must love my voice! Her kidneys are also fully developed at this point too.  Most of her physical development is now complete and she gets to just focus on putting on the pounds!

I am doing well this week. Dan has been home so that makes my life easier.  It's amazing the difference it makes to have someone else to carry groceries, pull the clothes out of the bottom of the washer and back of the dryer, unload the dishes on the bottom rack of the dishwasher, and just be there for emotional support!  He leaves again for his last trip before Baby Girl comes so I just need to last 8 more days on my own!

The strangest of my pregnancy symptoms has come today.  I noticed lots of curls as my normally stick straight hair air dried after the shower this morning.  I decided to take advantage, spray a little hair spray and let it finish air drying on its own.  Well the longer layers are all nice curls, actual ringlets, but the top shorter layer is still stick straight.  It's a very odd look.  I'm hoping the curls are around to stay and that the top layer decides to join in!  Maybe this means that Baby Girl has been graced with curly hair??  On that topic, another new symptom over the past two weeks has been heart burn.  The old wive's tale is that this means she's got hair on her head already!  I've bought her lots of headbands and with all the pink things she's been gifted I doubt we'll get too many people mistake her for a boy even if she is bald, but I can't help but hope for some hair at birth for her sake! We'll find out soon enough!

I had a moment of panic this week.  We've done so much preparation for a girl that I started to worry "what if the doctor is wrong and I have a boy?"  We only had one gender ultrasound at 20 weeks and none since.  But they technician was very detailed while pointing out her girl parts that I don't think she made a mistake.  I am still contemplating throwing one gender neutral outfit in the hospital bag just in case!

I haven't checked much off my to-do list this week, mostly because there isn't much left on it.  I did clean out the freezer to make room for easy to prepare foods for after labor.  We got the glider and ottoman in the nursery (a little too big for the space, but comfy enough to make it worth it!) Things we still need to do:
  • Install car seat.
  • Hang nursery art and name letters.
  • Organize the couple baskets of miscellaneous baby stuff on her dresser.
  • Organize the diaper changing area.
  • One more load of baby laundry.
  • Shower thank you notes!  (I really need to get on this one, but it did make me realize that writing our return address over and over again in the corner of the little envelopes is really annoying so I have ordered return address labels to make future efforts easier!  I also ordered some in Baby Girl's name to put on the baby announcements!)
  • Sterilize bottles and pacifiers.
  • Christmas shopping.
  • Install light in the nursery (it's been ordered, patiently waiting for it to come in.)
 I have the first two things on Dan's to-do list for today and I have no plans this weekend so I think I'll be able to finish the rest (aside from the Christmas shopping and the nursery light!  I think I'll be doing a lot of online shopping this year!)

How far along? 35 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  Up 18 lbs overall.  1 lb gain since last week.
Maternity clothes?  Dan’s shirts are my favorite thing.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep:  A distant memory.
Best moment this week:  Having Hubby come home again!
Miss Anything?  Real coffee.
Movement:  Lots!
Food cravings:  Mint and chocolate together and milk shakes.
 Anything making you queasy or sick: More of the same; bananas, sweet potatoes, and the trash can.  I feel kind of queasy most of the time now though.
Belly Button in or out? Neither but it’s looking ready to pop! 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Labor signs?  Nope. 
Looking forward to:  Staying in pj’s or sweats all weekend!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Nursery Progress and Decisions

I've gotten the curtain, the sheets, the crib skirt, and the rug.  Notice the theme??  PINK!  Okay, I may have gone over board on the pink, but hey, every little girl needs pink ruffles and a pink shag rug right?  Sorry for the blurry picture, the lighting isn't so good in there right now.

I have one letter left to decorate and then her name will be hung up over the crib.  The letters are yellow, green, blue, and let's see...PINK.  I am also picking up some pictures I saw at an art festival that will go above her dresser. 

The glider takes 10 - 12 weeks to come in so that isn't expected until Baby Girl is expected!  That will go to the left of the window in the corner.  The only thing left is a light!  We have a horrible floor lamp in there now that doesn't produce nearly enough light.  The attic is not set up for us to install a ceiling light so our options are a wall sconce or a swag and plug in chandelier.  What do you think?

Option 1


Option 2

 Option 3

Option 4

Option 5

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

34 Week Update!

6 weeks to go!!! 

This week Baby Veale is almost 5 pounds and between 17.5 to 19 inches long, the length of an American Girl Doll.  (The vegetable was butternut squash...which has been used before, so I liked this better!)

This is Samantha, my first American Girl Doll.  I'm sure Baby Girl will have a collection of her own one day even though I'm very disappointed in how Mattel has changed Pleasant Company's goal of historical dolls with educational yet fascinating books into a commercial money maker that has lost sight of the educational aspect, but I digress, Baby Girl will certainly have American Girl dolls.  She'll have to settle with a hand me down Samantha though since she has since been retired because her stories were educational...oh there I go again!

My doctor told me that we have now reached an important pregnancy milestone.  At 34 weeks, Baby Girl's lungs should be fully developed so if she were born today she should be perfectly fine!  At this point she is probably covered in a thick coat of vernix, a cream cheese like substance that protects her skin from getting all wrinkled from hanging out in fluid all the time.  She's definitely getting cramped in there and will often times stick what I think is her bottom out of the side of my belly.  I can see the little bump pressing out and when I gently rub the area I feel her wiggle and move away. 

I am feeling far more exhausted than ever before lately.  My plans of working right up until delivery day is seeming a bit far fetched, but I will continue to try.  I went out to breakfast with my brother on Sunday morning, came back and took the dogs on a short walk, then had to take a nap!  At work this week I seem to only be able to make it until 11 am before getting the intense urge to just sleep.  Part of this is because everything takes more effort now, but most of it is because I just can't get a good night's sleep.  Last night I finally fell asleep a little after 9 pm.  My first time up to use the bathroom was at 10:26 pm.  That's how my entire night goes.  It's pretty miserable!

Health wise, I only have two complaints.  The back pain still and heart palpitations, which the doctor thinks are both from my body not knowing how to handle this extra weight.  In the big picture these are just minor issues so I guess I can't complain!

This week I packed my hospital bag!  The only thing I still need to pack are snacks for Hubby and for after delivery.  We were also gifted some bottles which were literally the only thing left on our list for baby, so now I feel even more ready.  I do sort of want to look at Walmart for a cheap nightgown that I wouldn't mind ruining to wear during labor instead of the hospital gown. Unless I get an epidural but I'm still hoping I can do without that.  I have a feeling I will not want to be sitting in the bed the whole time and I'm not a huge fan of the rear coverage of hospital gowns. We'll see if I can muster up the energy to get to Walmart!

Also new this week is that I have accepted waddling.  I can still walk normally if I try really hard but it's just so much easier to sink into the pregnant lady waddle.  It's a bit of a penguin walk. 

How far along? 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  Up 17 lbs overall.  No gain since last week.
Maternity clothes?  Dan’s shirts are my favorite thing.
Stretch marks? Not really, I think I’m just now starting to get the linea nigra, a dark vertical line that appears on the abdomen during about three quarters of all pregnancies.  I thought I had escaped it but I now have a reddish line that extends downward and upward from my belly button.
Sleep:  :-(
Best moment this week:  Hearing Baby Girl’s heart beat at the doctor’s.
Miss Anything?  Hubby.
Movement:  Lots of it, she’s got way more energy than I do!
Food cravings:  Back to Mac & Cheese.
 Anything making you queasy or sick: More of the same; bananas, sweet potatoes, and the trash can.  I feel kind of queasy most of the time now though.
Belly Button in or out? Neither.  It’s just flat. 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Labor signs?  Nope. 
Looking forward to:  Delivery Day!!!  I’m so ready for her to be here!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

33 Week Update!

7 weeks to go!  I'm a mix of feelings, on one hand I feel like I 've been pregnant forever and would like my normal body back, I am feeling completely ready for her to be here, but on another hand I'm thinking "HOLY COW, I'll have a baby in 7 weeks!!!" 

This week Baby Veale is the size of a durian (hopefully that makes more sense to you than it does to me, I've never heard of it, spell check doesn't know either, maybe The Bump made up a fruit since they are running out of options) somewhere between 17 and 18 inches and 4 to 5 pounds!

I'm quite certain she's cuter than a durian by now.  This week she has been incredibly active and her movements have been a little painful.  Apparently this is because the amount of amniotic fluid has maxed out and she continues to get bigger so there is less fluid to cushion her blows!  I am still amazed at watching her move around in my belly, it's the weirdest yet best thing to see.  This week she also keeps her eyes open while awake and keeps them closed at night.  She can see light and can tell the difference between day and night, although she'll immediately forget that once she's born I'm sure!  One website said if I shine a flashlight at my belly, she might shy away from the light as if to say "cut it out, Mom!" But not this baby, she stands her ground and kicks right at the flashlight.  Have I mentioned how in love I am with her already?

I am still doing well although I have no energy which is a very strange feeling for me.  I feel like I need to stop and rest even while doing normal every day things, like going upstairs, walking the dogs,'s ridiculous!  My belly has gotten BIG.  I will have Dan take a picture soon so you all can see.  I lounge on the couch with my upper half propped up on pillows somewhere between being on my side and on my back, all I can picture is a hippo mermaid, that's what I feel like, a hippo mermaid.

I'm feeling oddly zen about Baby Girl's arrival.  I feel ready.  Yes there are still little things we need and I haven't packed the hospital bag yet (but I do know everything I want to put in it and where it is so if I had to tell Dan I think we'd manage), but I've gotten all the big things out of the way and I feel ready.  I'm not nervous about labor or delivery either. I am guessing this will change as I get closer and the realization sinks in, but for now I'll bask in my zen-ness. 

How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  Up 17 lbs overall.  Holy Cow! 2 lb increase from last week, can we blame it on fluid?
Maternity clothes?  Obviously a must.  I had been wearing my pre pregnancy camisoles under everything still and while they still cover my belly they ride up throughout the day, so no more non maternity camisoles.  I’m refusing to buy a maternity jacket with so little time left so when it’s cold I wear one of Dan’s.  I’m also a huge fan of his shirts for lounging around the house.
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep:  Still hard to come by, but if I spend longer amounts of time in bed I’ll inevitably get more sleep.
Best moment this week:  Hubby coming home again!  Being pregnant is harder while he’s gone.
Miss Anything?  Energy and strength.  I feel pathetic when I need to stop and catch my breath after one flight of stairs.
Movement:  Lots of it, she’s got way more energy than I do!
Food cravings:  No cravings in particular.  I’ve been hungrier than usual this week (that 2 lb weight gain is making more sense) but no particular cravings.
 Anything making you queasy or sick: More of the same; bananas, sweet potatoes, and the trash can.  I feel kind of queasy most of the time now though.
Belly Button in or out? Neither.  It’s just flat. 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Labor signs?  Nope. 
Looking forward to:  Delivery Day!!!  I’m so ready for her to be here!

Friday, October 5, 2012

10 hours a day.

As you all know, I have not been able to sleep much lately.  Well last night I got into bed at 6:30 pm, giving myself 10 hours in bed.  Of course I did not sleep this entire time, it involved lots of readjusting, tossing and turning, and trips to the bathroom.  But I feel so much better today.  I think I've found my new routine for the rest of pregnancy: 10 hours a day in bed. I'm still very tired but I don't feel like I might collapse at my keyboard so that's a huge improvement!

I am so looking forward to this weekend, I'm planning on spending the majority of it in my pijamas.  Unfortunately Dan's back to travelling again so I'll have to fend for myself.  I hope I didn't get too used to him spoiling me over the past month he's been home.  I don't remember the last time I did the dishes.  But now that my brother lives with us I'm hoping I still won't have to take the trash out! :-)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

32 Weeks Update!

This week Baby Girl is approximately 4 pounds and up to 17 inches long.  These are all approximations from here on out since babies will develop differently now.  Apparently she's the size of a squash, again.  I guess since there are so many different types of squash it's a good fall back for the comparisions so just pick a type of squash for the week!

Baby Girl's lungs are still maturing but other than that, everything else is grown and ready to go.  This week she starts having rapid eye movement (REM) during sleep so she can dream!  It makes you wonder what an unborn baby can possibly dream about since they haven't been exposed to anything outside of the womb, maybe she dreams about the type of nourishment I give her.  She probably dreams of mac and cheese and chocolate cake!  Soon she'll get into her labor ready position, head down and butt sticking up near my ribs.  I know she can't be in that position yet though because sometimes the way she's moving in there I swear she's completely horizontal.

This week I've starting feeling pretty miserable.  Something always hurts and I'm so very tired.  But even though I feel miserable I'm still in a generally happy mood, probably because I know the miserableness is all for a really good reason.

Did I mention I'm tired, exhausted really?  All day long I fantasize about just lying in bed and doing absolutely nothing.  But then I get worried that I am wishing bed rest upon myself.   As nice as lying in bed all day sounds (which is odd for me, normally I'm go, go, go all of the time) I don't want to use up all of my time off of work before Baby Girl even comes.  If that happens then I'll need to use unpaid leave after she's born which would be a significant difference.  So no hopes of bed rest, even though the thought of bed sounds so amazing, oooooo pillows and blankets...

How far along? 32 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  Up 15 lbs overall.  No change from last week.
Maternity clothes?  Obviously a must.  Maternity clothes that fit well before are now starting to be too small but I refuse to spend any more money on maternity clothes when there are only 8 weeks left!
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep:  I want sleep more than anything.
Best moment this week:  My birthday!
Miss Anything?  Sleep.
Movement:  Lots of it!
Food cravings:  No cravings in particular.  I am thinking about how much I want mac and cheese for lunch and I haven’t even had breakfast yet. 
 Anything making you queasy or sick: More of the same; bananas, sweet potatoes, and the trash can.  I feel kind of queasy most of the time now though.
Belly Button in or out? Neither.  It’s just flat. 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but miserable, does that make any sense?
Labor signs?  I had a contraction this week while walking down the hallway at work.  It didn’t hurt at all, just my entire midsection tightened and contracted and I really wanted to just stop in the hallway and lean over one of the display cases since leaning forward seemed like the most comfortable position.  But I didn’t want to worry anyone so I trudged down the hallway and by the time I got back to my cubicle it was gone.
Looking forward to:  Getting in bed.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Getting Ready.

This week I had the realization that my mom delivered me at 33 weeks, tomorrow marks 32 weeks for me, meaning if Baby Girl Veale decides to take after her mommy, she could be here next week.  So this weekend I got some things I'll need for myself at the hospital and at home after she is born.  Mom and Grammy washed and folded all of the new baby clothes and linens, and Dan set up the swing.  This week I will have Dan set up the bassinet and install the car set in the car so I can take it to get checked at the fire station.  We'll just leave the base in the car, not the carrier too so I won't be the crazy lady with an empty car seat for potentially 2 months.  I am going to pack my suitcase for the hospital (any lessons learned on what to pack would be greatly appreciated) and go get all of the necessary diaper changing station accessories.  Hopefully this will all be for naught and Baby Girl will hang in there until late November!

Now I'm wondering what her birthstone will be.  Will she be early and share opal/rose, on time and have citrine, or late and have blue topaz?  Of course it's important to know what kind of jewelry I'll be buying lots of over the years!