Wednesday, October 10, 2012

33 Week Update!

7 weeks to go!  I'm a mix of feelings, on one hand I feel like I 've been pregnant forever and would like my normal body back, I am feeling completely ready for her to be here, but on another hand I'm thinking "HOLY COW, I'll have a baby in 7 weeks!!!" 

This week Baby Veale is the size of a durian (hopefully that makes more sense to you than it does to me, I've never heard of it, spell check doesn't know either, maybe The Bump made up a fruit since they are running out of options) somewhere between 17 and 18 inches and 4 to 5 pounds!

I'm quite certain she's cuter than a durian by now.  This week she has been incredibly active and her movements have been a little painful.  Apparently this is because the amount of amniotic fluid has maxed out and she continues to get bigger so there is less fluid to cushion her blows!  I am still amazed at watching her move around in my belly, it's the weirdest yet best thing to see.  This week she also keeps her eyes open while awake and keeps them closed at night.  She can see light and can tell the difference between day and night, although she'll immediately forget that once she's born I'm sure!  One website said if I shine a flashlight at my belly, she might shy away from the light as if to say "cut it out, Mom!" But not this baby, she stands her ground and kicks right at the flashlight.  Have I mentioned how in love I am with her already?

I am still doing well although I have no energy which is a very strange feeling for me.  I feel like I need to stop and rest even while doing normal every day things, like going upstairs, walking the dogs,'s ridiculous!  My belly has gotten BIG.  I will have Dan take a picture soon so you all can see.  I lounge on the couch with my upper half propped up on pillows somewhere between being on my side and on my back, all I can picture is a hippo mermaid, that's what I feel like, a hippo mermaid.

I'm feeling oddly zen about Baby Girl's arrival.  I feel ready.  Yes there are still little things we need and I haven't packed the hospital bag yet (but I do know everything I want to put in it and where it is so if I had to tell Dan I think we'd manage), but I've gotten all the big things out of the way and I feel ready.  I'm not nervous about labor or delivery either. I am guessing this will change as I get closer and the realization sinks in, but for now I'll bask in my zen-ness. 

How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  Up 17 lbs overall.  Holy Cow! 2 lb increase from last week, can we blame it on fluid?
Maternity clothes?  Obviously a must.  I had been wearing my pre pregnancy camisoles under everything still and while they still cover my belly they ride up throughout the day, so no more non maternity camisoles.  I’m refusing to buy a maternity jacket with so little time left so when it’s cold I wear one of Dan’s.  I’m also a huge fan of his shirts for lounging around the house.
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep:  Still hard to come by, but if I spend longer amounts of time in bed I’ll inevitably get more sleep.
Best moment this week:  Hubby coming home again!  Being pregnant is harder while he’s gone.
Miss Anything?  Energy and strength.  I feel pathetic when I need to stop and catch my breath after one flight of stairs.
Movement:  Lots of it, she’s got way more energy than I do!
Food cravings:  No cravings in particular.  I’ve been hungrier than usual this week (that 2 lb weight gain is making more sense) but no particular cravings.
 Anything making you queasy or sick: More of the same; bananas, sweet potatoes, and the trash can.  I feel kind of queasy most of the time now though.
Belly Button in or out? Neither.  It’s just flat. 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Labor signs?  Nope. 
Looking forward to:  Delivery Day!!!  I’m so ready for her to be here!

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