Wednesday, December 12, 2012

One Week Old!

I'm a little late posting this, we've been very busy!

Miss Annalise has been thriving in her first week.  She apparently likes being home.

She's already passed her birth weight at 6 pounds, 2 ounces and generally very content (ask us if we mean this at 2am.)  Annalise went on her first outing on day 4 to go see her pediatrician.  Since she was doing well and we were having oddly warm December weather, her doctor gave her the okay to go out on errands and walks as long as she wasn't going to have anyone in her face spreading their germs.  So right after the appointment we went for a walk and some shopping, never too young for shopping.  We've been out shopping a few times since then.

Also in her first week, she's been getting to know her four legged brothers.  Both Wally and Fenway are very curious of the new addition but they have been very calm around her.

Fenway likes to keep watch and gets very concerned when she starts to cry.

She had her first bath which went very well.

And she even helped us decorate the Christmas tree.

She absolutely loves looking at the Christmas tree when it's lit up.

All in all, we've had a pretty amazing first week.  Her sleeping schedule hasn't been so bad.  We've had a few nights when she likes to stay up until the wee hours of the morning.  But now that the doctor gave the go ahead to let her sleep as long as she will at night, we do occasionally get 5 to 6 hour stretches which I think is pretty great!  She's eating well and is very engaged when she's awake.  High contrast things are her favorite to look at, in particular, a black and white video on the iPad and our shower curtain!

Mom's doing well too, I think thanks in big part to Annalise's petite birth weight.  Recovery is going well, I enjoy getting out and walking around and our town home stairs have not been an issue.  I'm incredibly thirsty and hungry most of the time, probably because of how often Miss Annalise likes to eat.  And I'm only 6 pounds over my pre pregnancy weight which isn't so bad.

The Veale household is a very happy one at the moment.

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