Wednesday, August 8, 2012

24 Week Update!

This week Baby Veale has grown to almost 12 inches head to toe, the length of an eggplant, and weighs a pound and a half.  She will steadily be gaining half a pound a week as she gains body fat and builds bones, muscles, and organs.  Her little face is almost fully complete including eyelashes, eyebrows and hair on her head.  But right now all of that hair is white since there’s no pigment yet.  

My weekly pregnancy update e-mail informed me that my uterus is now the size of a soccer ball, I didn’t really want to know that, but now that I do I figured I’d share, you’re welcome.  This is probably why my belly button is starting to look a little shallow.  Turns out there’s a lot of things I don’t really want to know about.  I know I should sign up for a birthing class because they will tell me a lot of useful things, but honestly, the less I know about how Baby Girl Veale will be entering this world, the happier I will probably be on her delivery day.  The more detail I know, the more worried and stressed I’ll probably be.  Baby Girl is coming out that day whether I know all the details or not; ignorance is bliss!  I certainly do not want to watch any birthing videos.  I do not want to see what is going to happen to my body and I do not want Hubby to see what is going to happen to my body.  He’s not even allowed to see it that day, he is staying right up by my head the whole time and I think he’s fine with that.   I know I’m probably being irrational again, but aren’t pregnant ladies allowed to be? 

On a more fun note, today is our third wedding anniversary.  Our wedding was the most fun day of my life.  I was so happy to be marrying Dan and my Mom is quite the wedding planner so for me everything was stress free and just perfect!  On one hand I can’t believe it’s already been three years, but on the other I feel like we’ve been together forever.  It has been almost ten years since we met.  That day is one I’ll always remember.  The first time we met was also sort of our first date considering it was freshman year of college and we had no car to actually go out anywhere, but we walked around campus and played Foosball for way too long, just the two of us.  I didn’t think of it as a date then, I can’t really explain how I felt that day, I didn’t have time for boys in high school; between dance and school work I just wasn’t interested in anything else so this was new for me, but I knew he was something special.  Looking back I think it was love, even on that first day, but since it was a new feeling for me, it took me quite a while to realize it!  We were good friends that year but never let it get to be more, although neither one of us was serious with anyone else during that time.  Sophomore year we realized that our friendship was more than that, it was love.  I take that back, I realized it sophomore year, turns out Dan realized it soon after we met.  I was clueless though and even though he’d walk me back to my building after all my classes and come hang out and watch girly tv shows with my friends just to spend time with me, it took me a little longer to realize what was going on.  But he was patient and we’ve been together ever since.  And I tell you, that patience has been a virtue during pregnancy, he puts up with so much!  

How far along? 24 weeks

Total weight gain/loss:  Up 5 lbs overall. 

Maternity clothes?  Yes! Bought more clothes over tax-free weekend, all you MA people, we have to pay tax on clothing in VA, at least you get one break while living in Taxachusetts.

Stretch marks? Nope, but I am worried about it since my bump is growing so quickly!  I lather on the cocoa butter, morning and night!

Sleep:  No worse than my pregnancy usual. 
Best moment this week:  Can I go with worst moment this week instead?  Going to the dentist was horrible. I had read that your gums can be more sensitive while pregnant but this is an understatement.  It was absolutely horrible, I was grateful for that little bib they put on me, it was covered in blood :-(

Miss Anything?  Hubby.  He’s been gone all week for work.

Movement:  Yes!  Usually just at night and in meetings.  I think she gets bored when I sit still for too long!

Food cravings: Mac & Cheese and when I watched an episode of Project Runway where they went to a candy store for supplies I had a real yearning for licorice. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Bananas, Sweet Potatoes, and the trash can.

Have you started to show yet:  Yup, I am most definitely looking pregnant.  I can  probably get rid of this question from now on…

Belly Button in or out? In but it’s looking more shallow.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! 

Looking forward to: Hubby flying home tonight for anniversary dinner, even though he’s leaving again tomorrow. 


  1. :) Loved this update! Brought HAPPY TEARS to my eyes! Happy Anniversary!

    Keep growing BABY VEALE ;)

    Love, Nana V.

  2. First of all, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I enjoyed reading your journal and glad to see everything is going well. Sounds like you guys are happy in your new home. ALL THE BEST! XO
