Thursday, August 23, 2012

Class #2

Yesterday we had our second, and last, childbirth class.  We started out with some visualization exercises that almost put me to sleep (and did put Hubby to sleep).  Then we talked about reassurance and massage so I got to sit on the floor on blankets and pillows and try other comfy labor positions while Hubby gave me a massage and told me how awesome I was.  This was supposed to be a labor rehearsal but the ice cubes they gave us to squeeze to simulate contraction pain was a bit of a joke.  When the rehearsal was over I said to Hubby, "wow, labor is pretty easy" haha!  Hubby was very good at making me laugh and I wonder if this method will be successful during actual labor or if it will get him a palm to the forehead, we shall see!

We also talked about all of the medical interventions that are available during childbirth.  This convinced me even more that I want to try to stick it out for a natural delivery.  A needle in my spine and having to have a catheter since I won't be able to get up to use the restroom  does not sound like a good time.  The only thing I worry about is that if you don't have an epidural and they need to do an emergency c-section then they need to put you to sleep with general anesthesia and I wouldn't get to see Baby Girl until I was awake.  But they did point out that emergency c-sections only occur 1% of the time so that made me feel better.  I do need to talk to my doctor about episiotomy...if you don't know what it is, don't look it up, you don't want to know.  But I need to warn her that no matter how much local anesthesia she uses, if she comes at me with a pair of scissors, I may kick her.  Luckily they don't do that very often either.

The end of the class got into other nitty gritty stuff that I have to know but wish I didn't.  We covered the "goody bag" of stuff the hospital will give me to help my recovery and why I will need all of those lovely goodies.  They should have thrown in another relaxation session after that, that's when I needed it.  Okay, that's enough of that discussion, I want to forget about it until after I meet my Baby Girl!

Tonight is baby care class, I'm excited to play with dolls and I will try to snap a picture of Dan with one too.  It won't be the last time he plays with dolls!


  1. Don't let Dan fool you! He was 10 when Aly was born. He was an awesome help and an excellent DIAPER CHANGER! LOL xoxo

    Nana Veale

  2. Have you checked out a Bradley Class? I wish I would have taken the course or at least spent more time reading a book or two related to the Bradley way. People that follow the Bradley Method have a high percentage of having a natural childbirth or at least one that has little medical intervention. Just a thought :)
