Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Random Maternity Items

This week I have noticed that putting a napkin on my lap does no good.  If I drop any food, which I do more often since I have to sit further from the table to fit,  it just lands on my belly.  I think I'll have to start fashioning a belly bib with my napkin.  [Quick Google Search]  Turns out people actually sell "belly bibs."  Apparently I'm not the first pregnant lady to have this problem.  But I think I'll hold on to my money and just place a napkin over my belly!

Another nifty belly accessory that I will be purchasing shortly is a maternity support belt.  This belt is said to support the belly to take some pressure off of the bladder and strain off of the back.  My back has been killing me this week. 

In other news, I have my glucose test tomorrow to screen for gestational diabetes.  I have to drink a bottle of fruit punch flavored liquid sugar, provided by the doctor, then get my blood drawn exactly an hour later.  If I fail that test then I have to go through a 3 hour test, getting blood taken each hour, so keep your fingers crossed I pass!

1 comment:

  1. Fingers crossed! Good luck! Text me when you get a minute and let me know how it went.

    Love, Nana V.
