Thursday, October 4, 2012

32 Weeks Update!

This week Baby Girl is approximately 4 pounds and up to 17 inches long.  These are all approximations from here on out since babies will develop differently now.  Apparently she's the size of a squash, again.  I guess since there are so many different types of squash it's a good fall back for the comparisions so just pick a type of squash for the week!

Baby Girl's lungs are still maturing but other than that, everything else is grown and ready to go.  This week she starts having rapid eye movement (REM) during sleep so she can dream!  It makes you wonder what an unborn baby can possibly dream about since they haven't been exposed to anything outside of the womb, maybe she dreams about the type of nourishment I give her.  She probably dreams of mac and cheese and chocolate cake!  Soon she'll get into her labor ready position, head down and butt sticking up near my ribs.  I know she can't be in that position yet though because sometimes the way she's moving in there I swear she's completely horizontal.

This week I've starting feeling pretty miserable.  Something always hurts and I'm so very tired.  But even though I feel miserable I'm still in a generally happy mood, probably because I know the miserableness is all for a really good reason.

Did I mention I'm tired, exhausted really?  All day long I fantasize about just lying in bed and doing absolutely nothing.  But then I get worried that I am wishing bed rest upon myself.   As nice as lying in bed all day sounds (which is odd for me, normally I'm go, go, go all of the time) I don't want to use up all of my time off of work before Baby Girl even comes.  If that happens then I'll need to use unpaid leave after she's born which would be a significant difference.  So no hopes of bed rest, even though the thought of bed sounds so amazing, oooooo pillows and blankets...

How far along? 32 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  Up 15 lbs overall.  No change from last week.
Maternity clothes?  Obviously a must.  Maternity clothes that fit well before are now starting to be too small but I refuse to spend any more money on maternity clothes when there are only 8 weeks left!
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep:  I want sleep more than anything.
Best moment this week:  My birthday!
Miss Anything?  Sleep.
Movement:  Lots of it!
Food cravings:  No cravings in particular.  I am thinking about how much I want mac and cheese for lunch and I haven’t even had breakfast yet. 
 Anything making you queasy or sick: More of the same; bananas, sweet potatoes, and the trash can.  I feel kind of queasy most of the time now though.
Belly Button in or out? Neither.  It’s just flat. 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but miserable, does that make any sense?
Labor signs?  I had a contraction this week while walking down the hallway at work.  It didn’t hurt at all, just my entire midsection tightened and contracted and I really wanted to just stop in the hallway and lean over one of the display cases since leaning forward seemed like the most comfortable position.  But I didn’t want to worry anyone so I trudged down the hallway and by the time I got back to my cubicle it was gone.
Looking forward to:  Getting in bed.

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