Friday, October 26, 2012

35 Week Update!

5 weeks left!  This week Baby Girl is the size of, well, a baby!  She actually won't grow much more length wise, she just has some plumping up to do.  But we'll stick to the drill and say she's the size of a coconut at 17 - 19 inches long and 4 - 6 lbs! 

At this point Baby Girl's hearing is fully developed and she probably responds best to high pitched noises, she must love my voice! Her kidneys are also fully developed at this point too.  Most of her physical development is now complete and she gets to just focus on putting on the pounds!

I am doing well this week. Dan has been home so that makes my life easier.  It's amazing the difference it makes to have someone else to carry groceries, pull the clothes out of the bottom of the washer and back of the dryer, unload the dishes on the bottom rack of the dishwasher, and just be there for emotional support!  He leaves again for his last trip before Baby Girl comes so I just need to last 8 more days on my own!

The strangest of my pregnancy symptoms has come today.  I noticed lots of curls as my normally stick straight hair air dried after the shower this morning.  I decided to take advantage, spray a little hair spray and let it finish air drying on its own.  Well the longer layers are all nice curls, actual ringlets, but the top shorter layer is still stick straight.  It's a very odd look.  I'm hoping the curls are around to stay and that the top layer decides to join in!  Maybe this means that Baby Girl has been graced with curly hair??  On that topic, another new symptom over the past two weeks has been heart burn.  The old wive's tale is that this means she's got hair on her head already!  I've bought her lots of headbands and with all the pink things she's been gifted I doubt we'll get too many people mistake her for a boy even if she is bald, but I can't help but hope for some hair at birth for her sake! We'll find out soon enough!

I had a moment of panic this week.  We've done so much preparation for a girl that I started to worry "what if the doctor is wrong and I have a boy?"  We only had one gender ultrasound at 20 weeks and none since.  But they technician was very detailed while pointing out her girl parts that I don't think she made a mistake.  I am still contemplating throwing one gender neutral outfit in the hospital bag just in case!

I haven't checked much off my to-do list this week, mostly because there isn't much left on it.  I did clean out the freezer to make room for easy to prepare foods for after labor.  We got the glider and ottoman in the nursery (a little too big for the space, but comfy enough to make it worth it!) Things we still need to do:
  • Install car seat.
  • Hang nursery art and name letters.
  • Organize the couple baskets of miscellaneous baby stuff on her dresser.
  • Organize the diaper changing area.
  • One more load of baby laundry.
  • Shower thank you notes!  (I really need to get on this one, but it did make me realize that writing our return address over and over again in the corner of the little envelopes is really annoying so I have ordered return address labels to make future efforts easier!  I also ordered some in Baby Girl's name to put on the baby announcements!)
  • Sterilize bottles and pacifiers.
  • Christmas shopping.
  • Install light in the nursery (it's been ordered, patiently waiting for it to come in.)
 I have the first two things on Dan's to-do list for today and I have no plans this weekend so I think I'll be able to finish the rest (aside from the Christmas shopping and the nursery light!  I think I'll be doing a lot of online shopping this year!)

How far along? 35 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  Up 18 lbs overall.  1 lb gain since last week.
Maternity clothes?  Dan’s shirts are my favorite thing.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep:  A distant memory.
Best moment this week:  Having Hubby come home again!
Miss Anything?  Real coffee.
Movement:  Lots!
Food cravings:  Mint and chocolate together and milk shakes.
 Anything making you queasy or sick: More of the same; bananas, sweet potatoes, and the trash can.  I feel kind of queasy most of the time now though.
Belly Button in or out? Neither but it’s looking ready to pop! 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Labor signs?  Nope. 
Looking forward to:  Staying in pj’s or sweats all weekend!


  1. That heartburn thing is totally true. I had never had heartburn my entire life and in my second trimester I started getting it extremely bad. So bad that I was popping tums all the time. Nathan has loads of hair! So be prepared for your little girl to come with lots of hair as well!

    I don't want to scare you, but if you start getting strange symptoms at this point, don't hesitate to contact your doctor. I argued with mine for over a week when I started feeling ill and I knew something wasn't right. It turns out I was right and had a rare condition that has a 25% maternal death rate. Thankfully, I was persistent and both of us turned out fine. Again, not trying to scare you, just want you to be careful so you hopefully do not have to go through what I went through.

    Wishing you the best!

    1. Thanks Megan! I definitely won't be shy with the doctor from here on out! I never had heartburn in my life either and now I certainly know where the name comes from! Tums are my friend! I'm so glad everything is going well with your family, I'm enjoying the pictures, you have such a cutie on your hands!

    2. Thanks! We are extremely happy and I know that your family will be when your little girl arrives!

  2. I had heartburn during the last couple months with all my pregnancies. All babies had lots of hair except DAN.. he was so bald, his head shined! He was so cute!!! He had such big, beautiful eyes.

    Drink those milk shakes and maybe mint chocolate chip ice cream would satisfy that yummy craving! You are doing great. Seems like you are really enjoying the gift of pregnancy. I know it can be difficult at times but the reward will be awesome, (and pink LOL). ((HUG))

    Nana V. xo
