Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It's a....

A baby girl!  Baby Veale is a she!

The anatomy scan was wonderful!  Baby girl's limbs and organs all measured perfectly for her age and our due date is still set for November 28th.  According to the ultrasound Baby girl is almost a pound! The doctor told me to keep doing what I'm doing because everything was great. So I will continue to eat ice cream once a day because clearly that's what is making Baby girl grow.

The 20 week scan was much different from our last at 13 weeks.  The 13 week scan showed all of Baby girl on one screen with plenty of room to flip around and wiggle her arms and legs.  This time Baby girl looked squished in there. I guess the bigger she gets the more squished she'll be!  She was a little bashful at first and put both arms across her face.  She was trying to hide from the camera.  But as the scan went on she became a little ham and was posing with her hand flipped beneath her chin.  Near the end she was getting tired of all the probing around and rested with her hand behind her head.

Yes, family, I did get to take home some pictures and you'll see them soon when we visit, but in the mean time I feel a little funny letting the internet view the inside of my uterus!!!

Dan and I are still in shock.  We were both convinced that our little girl was a boy; we even had a great name picked out and were really set on it.  We were both so surprised to find out that we are having a little girl!  I'm so excited and think that raising a girl will be so much fun (and expensive, there's so many adorable things to buy for little girls...) but I can't help but be a little nervous.  Teenage boys seem so much easier than teenage girls and I shudder a little at the thought.  And poor Baby girl, her Daddy has already been pondering ways to chase off the boys!  But we have quite a lot of time to enjoy our little princess before we have to worry about that stage!  :-)

Baby girl Veale is already spoiled!  Her Nana and Aunts went shopping for her already and got quite the bounty!  We may as well start calling her Princess Veale!

  I am so excited for a future filled with pink, flowers, sparkles, and tutus...not that that's any different than now, but I'll have someone else to share pink things with! :-)


  1. Love this update!!! Thanks for all the info, I had happy tears! Cannot wait to see the pics and agree the internet does not need to view that sweet bundle yet. Cannot believe SHE (love saying SHE) is all most a pound :)

    Love you ALL!
    Nana V

  2. I loved reading this 1....I laughed a couple times you are to much. I wouldnt want my uterus all over fb lol baby princess Veale is going to have a great family!! xoxo Auntie Shan
