Friday, July 13, 2012


No banana pictures yet, we've been busy the past two days picking up the crib and dresser!  The boxes are so big that they both could not fit into the SUV together so we split the trips up over two days (of course I didn't complain about two trips to Babies R Us in a row!)  Turns out the crib box wouldn't fit into the back of the SUV alone either so we put it up on the roof!  We were quite the sight.  Dan tied it tightly to the roof looping the rope through both the rear and front windows.  Then we went to get into the car and realized we could not open the doors because of the rope.  So he had me climb in through the back hatch (wearing a dress, that was fun) and sit in the back seat and then he jumped through his window to get in.  We got lots of stares from people on the drive home, but WE GOT THE CRIB!  But both boxes are sitting on the fist level because we can't set them up until the floors get done, so now I'm even more anxious for that project to get completed! 

But this delay in being able to jump in and start the nursery is giving me even more time to think about how to decorate.  As soon as we left the anatomy scan Dan said to me "so now how do you want to do the nursery?"  (Keep in mind we really thought we were having a boy and had great plans for a Red Sox nursery, so now it was back to the drawing board.)  Without hesitation I replied "PINK!"  Dan laughed and said "anything else?"  I had to think about this one for a second, I mean what else is there?  But I did come back with "Sparkles!" Yes, this little girl is going to be a princess. After some playing around on Etsy I decided that pink and flowers will be the theme instead of sparkles, haha!  Here's some of my inspiration pictures:

Our walls are already a similar shade of blue, just a little brighter.

Now we just need a name...


  1. So pretty!
    See you next week

  2. LOVE IT!!!!! I have no doubt that THE PRINCESS will have the sweetest nursery ever!
    Love, NANA V :)

  3. Oh my goodness, I LOVE that crib skirt! Isn't decorating with pink so much fun?!?!

  4. Pink is just so fun. Just like little girls! Also, my mom and I went baby shopping together and got Callie's crib, dresser and a bunch of other random things at Ikea, not even considering that I drove a little four door car with a trunk that wasn't terribly impressive. You should have seen us. We were in the IKEA parking garage opening up all the boxes so we could stuff the pieces into my car better. (Putting the crib and the dresser ended up being more of a challenege though because the pieces weren't all together and the two were identical in color!) This was the general theme of baby shopping for Callie. The same thing happened when I bought her exersaucer. The box was too big for the trunk and wouldn't go through the car door, so right there in the target parking lot me and another very pregnant friend tore the box open and stuck the pieces into my car. Just something to think about for future shopping trips :)
