Thursday, July 19, 2012

Week 21 Update!

This week Baby Girl Veale is 10.5 inches long, the length of a carrot!  This week her eyebrows have grown and her eye lids are developed.  Her main focus right now is to grow and gain weight!

Not too much has changed on my end this week aside from an ever growing belly.  I've been feeling great and eating well.  Our 9 hour car ride was much more pleasant than the one a few weeks ago, I lasted 7 hours into it before my back started hurting from the seat, the last time it happened 5 minutes in!  And it would have been an 8 hour car ride had it not been for the hourly rest stop breaks!

The rest of this week and all of next week we are spending in Massachusetts.  I spent half the day yesterday in the pool and it felt fabulous.  The weightlessness in the water definitely relieved a lot of the pressure I've been feeling.  It's so great to see all of our family and we are already having a great time.  Tonight we are heading to Fenway for a Sox game!

How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 1 pound!!!  That's a three pound increase from last that's what mac and cheese does to a body!  While I'm hoping to continue to gain, I'll have to keep an eye out so it doesn't continue to be a 3 pound a week gain!
Maternity clothes?  Yes! I can still wear most of my non maternity dresses and tops and I just bought a size up in regular sizes for a bathing suit but maternity pants and shorts are amazing!!!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep:  SO uncomfortable at night lately.  I think I only got a half an hour of sleep on Sunday night in 5 minute increments.
Best moment this week: Spending time with family and friends and hanging out in the pool!
Miss Anything?  I’m pretty content this week. 
Movement: No L  Come on Baby, start letting me know you are there!
Food cravings: Nothing in particular but I have been loving mac and cheese and pasta in general.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still can't eat bananas or sweet potatoes and the smell from the trash can is still the most horrible thing aside from cigarette smoke.
Have you started to show yet:  Yes! 
Gender prediction: Woo Hoo!  Baby Veale is a girl! 
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  
Looking forward to: The beach!  Also, Dan getting the floors done in the nursery so we can set up the crib and also the dresser, I need somewhere to put all of these adorable new outfits we're receiving!  


  1. I didn't feel real movement until about 24 weeks. But don't worry you will! It's not too fun getting punched in the stomach when you are trying to sleep :-)

  2. 21 weeks, past the half way point! You will be feeling that beautiful"BUTTERFLY in the belly feeling"any day!!!!

    Love, NANA V.:)

  3. It is so awesome to see the baby bump! Kristen, you look so good and have that beautiful baby glow! You will start to feel that little girl moving any day now. I'm really surprised she didn't start moving last night after that walk off homerun!
    Love you!

  4. My sister is a week ahead of you and she just started to feel her little guy moving. It'll happen soon!! Also have you gotten body pillows yet? I bought two so that when I rolled over I didn't have to drag the pillow with me. Seth didn't love it, but I was okay with that :) Hope sleep starts to come more easily!
