Thursday, July 5, 2012

Week 19 Update!

This week Baby Veale is the size of a large mango, 6 inches long and half a pound!  Baby Veale is developing nerve cells in his or her brain for his or her sense of smell, taste, sight, and sound.  And hair may be starting to sprout from his or her scalp.  By this time next week I should no longer have to say "his or her"!  Yay!

We had an eventful week and got to spend four days up in Massachusetts with family.  My appetite has grown significantly this week and I am eating much more than I had been able to thus far into the pregnancy.  I'm sure the weight gain will start soon, I have done a lot of reading that suggests gaining a pound a week for the rest of the pregnancy is normal.  I still find it hard to grasp that I might gain 25 pounds, can I really get that big?

My belly did expand over the weekend (due to baby or the party and two cookouts???) and I certainly look pregnant to everyone who knows that I am but I still doubt it's obvious to strangers, especially since I've been living in baggy clothing.  I did flaunt the baby bump in a bikini at the cookout this weekend, definitely the most comfortable option.

Today I'm wearing maternity clothes for the first time and, my oh my, are they comfortable (thanks Melissa)!  I'm now also convinced that I need to get down to Motherhood Maternity because these pants and shirt fit so well and are nice enough for work.

And to end, here's a shot of how we have to walk Wally on his least favorite day of the year, the 4th of July (Excuse the blurry quality, Dan tried to get an action shot).  He is so scared of Fireworks that he tried to drag me home and was just choking himself with his martingale collar...

How far along? 19 weeks

Total weight gain/loss:  Down 3 lbs overall, but that's another .5 lb increase from last week!

Maternity clothes?  After a failed shopping attempt at Target I was scared maternity clothes would all fit horribly.  But Melissa let me borrow an outfit of hers and I have renewed faith in maternity clothing, I'll have to get out to Motherhood Maternity this weekend.  I'm wearing maternity pants and a top for the first time today and am so comfortable!

Stretch marks? No.

Sleep: Better! This week I've only been waking up once during the night.
Best moment this week:  Hearing Baby's heartbeat at my doctor's appointment,158 and strong!

Miss Anything?  Hhhmmmm, not really.
Movement: No :-(  The doctor assured me I'd feel Baby moving by 22 weeks and that there will be a consistent pattern by 26 weeks.

Food cravings: Nothing really.

Anything making you queasy or sick: anything with a strong scent.  Bacon (pork in general), sweet potatoes, bananas, and onions are still on the aversion list among many other things.

Have you started to show yet:  My belly has definitely grown but I doubt strangers would guess I'm pregnant.
Gender prediction: July 9th can’t come soon enough!!!!

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: MONDAY!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It was so good to see you in MA last weekend! You do look SO BEAUTIFUL!! Kayla and I were just talking about the 9th!!! CALL ASAP after the appointment! I am so excited :).
    So much is happening with our Baby V. this week... HAIR, WOW!
    Take it slow with this heat. We love you :)

    Nana V.
