Monday, July 30, 2012

Week 22 Update and Pictures!

Okay, I'm a little late on this one, only 2 more days till week 23!  At week 22 Baby Girl is 11 inches long, the length of a spaghetti squash!  This is the head to toe length now that her legs are more proportional!  She was busy this week, aside from growing another half an inch she is developing tooth buds below her gums and her eyes have formed but the irises still lack pigmentation.  Her pancreas is also developing this week!  Her skin is sporting deep wrinkles because it's expecting a layer of padding (fat) to fill it in. 

We spent the last week in Massachusetts between my parents' house and a rental on the beach with Dan's family.  It was an awesome time and I can't say I'm glad to be back home.  Our vacation included lots of firsts for Baby Girl, including MOVEMENT, but that deserves its own separate post so expect that shortly!

My baby bump tripled in size over the past two weeks!  I'll blame it on the relaxation and the yummy vacation food!  I loved being in the ocean, the water was clear enough to see my feet even when I was up to my shoulders, and the waves were small enough that I didn't have to worry about getting knocked over; it was so relaxing and refreshing!  Both Baby Girl and I were spoiled all week long and I must say, while it took a bit of getting used to, I enjoyed everyone offering me the most comfortable seats and not letting me carry anything!  Baby Girl was showered with gifts this week too.  There's no doubting that this little girl will want for nothing!  She got so many beautiful outfits and accessories, her first teddy bear, her first dolly, a nice comfy play mat, and Aunt Ami even gave her her first international gift, beautiful booties from Switzerland!

Now it's back to reality but I decided I'm not going to stress. Our nursery still needs a lot of work before I can get in there and organize Baby Girl's things and decorate.  Dan will be traveling a lot for work starting next weekend but my parent's have offered to come down to help get the nursery in order.  Dan's been worrying that he'll be on travel when I go in to labor but I haven't stressed about that either.  I'll more than likely be in labor for quite a while so he'll have some time to get home.  The delivery is not going to be a fun time, that I know, but the moment we meet our beautiful girl will be amazing and it will be special whether he is there for the full delivery, just catches the very end, or meets her in the hospital after she's been all cleaned up. I know his August schedule so I'm just going to schedule the childbirth class for a day that I know he's home, yes 3 months away is way early to take the class, but I'd rather just take it while I know he's home! And apparently I have a lot to learn, I've been asked a few times what my birth plan is...right now it involves 3 steps; call the doctor, get to the hospital, and get Baby Girl out of me.  There's more to plan than that?

Here's my squash photo shoot from the beach!  The south shore has some gigantic spaghetti squashes and they scared me a bit, so I went with the slightly smaller looking butternut squash instead, but everyone agreed that it looked to be 11 inches. Excuse my squinting, the sun was way too bright.

How far along? 22 weeks

Total weight gain/loss:  Up 4 lbs overall.  Yes that’s another 3 pound weight gain from last week, but I’m sure that pattern won’t continue now that I’m back from vacation! 

Maternity clothes?  Yes!  Although I’m getting frustrated with maternity shirts, they are not made for short people and even with my belly they are still way too long.  I asked the clerk at the maternity store for advice and she just assured me that they’d fit by 7 months; great, what am I supposed to wear for the next 2?

Stretch marks? No

Sleep:  I just expect to wake up twice a night. 
Best moment this week:  MOVEMENT!!!!! 

Miss Anything?  I’m pretty content this week. 

Movement:  Yes!  Separate post to come…

Food cravings: Nothing in particular but I had my fill of seafood last week! :-)

 Anything making you queasy or sick: Bananas, Sweet Potatoes, and the trash can.

Have you started to show yet:  Yes, I am obviously pregnant! 

Gender prediction: Woo Hoo!  Baby Veale is a girl! 
Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  

Looking forward to: Picking out bedding for the nursery. I haven't found anything I'm in love with yet, except an overpriced crib skirt so I'm hoping to find something else.  I'm planning on checking out a different store this week.

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