Monday, July 30, 2012

Vacation and MOVEMENT!

An 8 hour car ride is not particularly fun while pregnant but we managed.  Dan didn't complain about having to stop at every other rest stop on the way up or that he had to drive the whole time while I sat in a reclined chair.  He's a trooper!  The dogs are so well behaved in the car so that really helped too!

Although Fenway figured out how to open the windows on his own so we pulled over to make sure the child locks were set on the doors in case he tried to figure out how to open the door too!

Baby Girl had lots of firsts during our trip to MA.  She went to her first Red Sox game at Fenway Park and saw the Red Sox win!

She went to her first wedding and danced (more on that in a minute)!

She went on her first boat ride and got a great tour of Boston Harbor.

Look at the size difference of the bump in just 4 days!

She went for her first ocean swim too but I'll spare you the bathing suit picture.

But the best first of all, we got to feel Baby Girl move!  On the first Saturday of our vacation I thought I might have felt a little movement when I was lying in bed, it just felt like little bubbles and I got excited but didn't tell anyone in case it was just in my head , I wanted to feel her move so badly.  Then the next day we went to Dan's Uncle's wedding.  When the DJ blasted the music for the bridal party to enter I swear I felt some flutters in my stomach, Baby Girl was dancing!  But again, it was just quick little movements so I wasn't so sure.  But then on Sunday night when I was lying in bed I felt a full out kick, then a second!  I woke Dan up and had him put his hand on my belly and he felt it too!  She was practicing her Rockettes high kicks.  Every night since then I feel her moving in there, it's not always as strong as that first night, but there's no doubting it's her! 


  1. I am so happy that you were able to feel your precious baby girl move. It truly is an amazing experience. Just wait - those kicks are going to be jabs soon and you will marvel as your stomach actuals moves with the force of them. When I am at meetings at work is when he is the most active - he must get just as bored as I do! :)

    1. I have noticed her moving a lot when I'm at must be the boredom!!! :-)

  2. I am so glad your BABY GIRL IS ALREADY DANCING! It has been so many years since I have experienced it but it is a feeling and a moment that you will never forget. I am so happy for you.

    I also have to say you look so beautiful. Some woman glow when they are expecting, you are one of them!

    Love, NANA V.

    1. Aw, thanks Nana! I don't feel like I'm glowing, haha, I'm starting to feel HUGE and I still have a long way to go! XOXO
