Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Week 23 Update!

At 23 weeks Baby Girl is between 11 and 12 inches long, the length of a papaya, although she's much cuter!  This week marks an important milestone.  If Baby Girl were born this week she'd have a shot at survival outside of the womb.  While this takes off a lot of stress, it's only a 25 - 35% chance of survival so let's hope she hangs in there quite a bit longer!  Baby Girl's brain is working hard and she can sense my movements now.  Her hearing has also improved and she is listening to me talk and can hear other loud noises like Wally and Fenway barking! They say the more she hears now, the less she'll be startled by after she's born.

I had my monthly doctor's appointment this week and everything was great.  This appointment was with a new doctor that I hadn't met before.  There are four doctors in the practice and any one of them can deliver Baby Girl.  This was the third I had met and so far so good.  Out of the three I like two better than one but I don't dislike the third, it's just that the other two are so nice.  I'll meet the fourth at the end of the month but if she's anything like her colleagues I don't think I'll have anything to worry about.  I'm feeling incredibly lucky to have found this practice.

I have been feeling great lately.  I almost forget that my body is changing so much until I glance down and see it for myself...or when I bump into tables because I forget that I need to pull the chair out further now...or when I bump into people trying to squeeze through spaces I'd normally have no problem getting through...but aside from that, I feel great!  While I look obviously pregnant now, no random strangers have tried to touch my belly so that's a plus too.  Baby Girl is moving around so often now that it's become a comforting feeling that I expect while sitting at my desk at work.  The strong kicks are still only occasional and I immediately put my hand on my stomach hoping to feel it from the outside too!

Dan has started his new crazy work schedule and I'm getting accustomed to being on my own after work again which is nothing new for me, but this time I'm going from being spoiled by him to having to do everything myself again. Yesterday I looked at the full trash can, whose smell is my arch nemesis, and decided it could wait another day until Dan was home and able to take it out. I'm not looking forward to having to do that chore again. 

 I also had a pretty scary pregnancy brain moment this week.  I was coming home from dinner one night and just started following the car in front of me and didn't realize until they pulled into a driveway that wasn't mine.  Luckily it was a BMW and didn't take me into a bad neighborhood, I also had an idea of where I was and could route myself back on track.  Ooopps!  I hope I don't end up in Oklahoma one day...

How far along? 23 weeks

Total weight gain/loss:  Up 4 lbs overall.  I was worried the doctor might scold me for gaining 6 pounds in the month between my appointments (I didn’t tell her it had all happened in two weeks!) but she was just happy that I had finally gained weight and told me to expect rapid weight gain over the next few months and not to worry about a thing.

Maternity clothes?  Yes!  I can still work magic with an elastic through the button hole of my non maternity pants and my non fitted pre maternity dresses still fit but shirts and skirts are definitely maternity!

Stretch marks? No, just an odd tan line from my cut out swim suit!

Sleep:  I just expect to wake up twice a night.  

Best moment this week:  Hearing Baby Girl’s heartbeat, she worried me a bit and made it difficult for the nurse to find but it was there!  I only worried for a minute though because she started kicking where the doppler probe was being pressed down which we got to hear loud and clear!

Miss Anything?  I’m pretty content this week.  They had a non-alcoholic sangria at La Tasca so I gave it a shot this week, after getting reassurance from the waiter that it really had no alcohol.  I couldn’t finish it though because it still felt wrong!

Movement:  Yes!  She likes to kick the right side of my belly, I’ve been feeling it at work and at night.

Food cravings: Nothing in particular, but I did order pad thai twice this week!

 Anything making you queasy or sick: Bananas, Sweet Potatoes, and the trash can.

Have you started to show yet:  Yes, I went from “you’re so tiny for 4 months” just two weeks ago to “you still have four months left?!?” from the hair stylist yesterday… 

Belly Button in or out? In but it’s looking more shallow.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  

Looking forward to: Getting the nursery done.  Noticing a theme here?

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