Wednesday, August 29, 2012

27 Week Update!

This week Baby Girl is the size of a rutabaga! (I'm not sure what a rutabaga is....) but she's more than 14 inches long and weighs more than 2 lbs.  Her brain is even more developed this week and now not only can she hear sounds and feel movement but she can react to them!  She might jump if startled by a loud noise!  She can also recognize mommy and daddy's voices too!  This week she has also started opening her eyes, up until this point the eye lids were fused shut.

I have one smart cookie growing in there.  At today's appointment, the nurse put the doppler on my belly to find her heart beat and right away Baby Girl kicked it off.  When the nurse put it back she kept kicking at it.  So the nurse stopped and said, "Now listen, as fun as it is to see you move, we also want to hear you."  And just like that Baby Girl cooperated. 

She's been moving like crazy this week.  Her dance moves are so strong that you can actually see her jabbing my belly.  It's definitely making me less productive because I can't help but stop and watch her moving around, it's absolutely amazing. I can't wait for Dan to be home to see it too, Baby Girl might get a midnight ice cream snack tonight to get her moving in the few hours that he will be home!

Today I also had my glucose test.  The drink didn't taste bad at all but after chugging 50g of sugar I didn't feel so wonderfully afterwards.  I'll get a phone call in 2-3 days if I failed and and have to go back for a 3 hour test.  So let's hope I don't hear from the doctor's office any time soon!  They also switched me to appointments every 2 weeks instead of monthly (this is routine now that I'll be in the 3rd trimester, where has the time gone) which I'm fine with, it's twice as many times to hear Baby Girl's heart beat! Today her heart rate was 146 and strong. 

I feel like my belly is growing double time.  I can still fit into my non-maternity summer dresses, but I'm guessing that won't last much longer, I have no idea what I'll do for the fall since maternity clothes still look ridiculous on this shorty.

I've learned that there are lots of strangers out there that think they have x-ray vision.  I've been told that I "must be having a boy."  I reply saying, "no, it's a girl."  To which I've been told, "no, you're too small for that to be a girl." or "Just wait, you'll see."  Thank you random strangers, but I think I'll stick to the news the doctor and tech gave me who actually looked at Baby's GIRL anatomy.

I've been feeling pretty much the same lately, except the back pain is getting worse.  I'm going to invest in one of those maternity support belts to see if I get any relief.  And the pregnancy brain is getting worse as well.  I forget anything that I don't put on my calendar with reminder alerts. I'm going to have to start setting reminders for everything from putting on my shoes (I wore my flip flops to work twice this week, luckily I had shoes in my car) to doing laundry to picking up Hubby at the airport (luckily he knows about my condition and calls me 50 times before getting on the plane)!

Biggest dilemma of the week: what to wear to my baby shower?  What will the weather be like then?  What size will I be then?  Where the heck can I find maternity clothes that actually fit me?

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  Up 11 lbs overall, 2 pounds gained in the past week again.  But the doctor didn’t say anything negative at my appointment today, just told me not to worry about anything so I’m taking that as no worrying about my diet either!  The numbers on the scale have reached numbers I’ve never seen before but it’s really not bothering me.
Maternity clothes?  I don’t want to talk about it.  Another disappointing shopping trip this weekend; what the heck am I supposed to wear?
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep:  No more or less. 
Best moment this week:  Watching her make my belly move!
Miss Anything?  Hubby.
Movement:  Crazy dance parties have begun!
Food cravings: No real cravings but I’m obsessed with the cool new coke machines they have at Noodles and Company.  It’s a touch screen computer and you pick what you want then you pick what flavor you want to add to it.  So I can get lime flavored water and it’s bright green, and it’s pretty awesome. 
 Anything making you queasy or sick: Bananas, Sweet Potatoes, and the trash can. 
Belly Button in or out? In but it’s looking more shallow.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to:  Dessert, haha, super sweet tooth lately!

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad about the flip flops at work. I have worn them to work on purpose for the past week. Suddenly last week my feet started to swell and they do not fit in most of my shoes anymore. Super uncomfortable and it only goes away at night when I am sleeping.
