Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Feeling Pregnant!

I can tell I'm nearing the third trimester as I'm now feeling more pregnant.  I've got some fun new symptoms!

1.  The rapidly growing bump is throwing off my center of gravity and killing my posture; result = back pain.  It doesn't kick in too badly until 5 or 6 pm but then it's bad.

2.  I now know where all of the public restrooms in the area are located.  Luckily this isn't every day yet, only when Baby Girl decides she wants to settle on my bladder, but then she has me looking for a rest room every half an hour!  On Sunday, after I visited the restrooms at Noodles and Company, Starbucks, Macy's and Barnes and Noble, I was hunting down another when Hubby told me it was in my head.  I assure you all, it's not in my head!

3.  I am so tired!  It doesn't matter how long I sleep for, when that alarm goes off I cannot get my head off of the pillow.  I guess it's good that it's inevitable that I will have to get up to run to the bathroom soon after the alarm goes off, otherwise I think I wouldn't make it out of bed.  Then even once I'm up, I need to sit down every two hours to refresh and then the battle of not wanting to get back up begins!

4.  I feel gigantic!  I haven't gained much weight but gosh it feels like I have!  Everything I do feels more labored and strenuous.  Just carrying the grocery bags in from the car gets me out of breath.  The worst is climbing into bed; our bed is very high off of the ground but it's never bothered me until now.  Recently I'd hoist myself up and sort of just fall into the bed.  So my most recent purchase:

Yes, that's a step stool to help me get into bed and I can't even express how much I appreciate this little step stool!

But overall I'm still feeling healthy and so grateful that I have gotten the chance to experience pregnancy and that I will have a little girl in my arms in less than four months!


  1. Last night was the first night I put our stepstool next to my side of the bed :) You're not the only one! I really have a hard time getting in and out of bed right now and I know it's only going to get worse.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one! I laugh at myself every time I have a hard time getting up from a lying down position. But that step stool is great!
