Friday, August 3, 2012

No doubt about it!

I'm pregnant!  Yes, you already knew that, but random strangers did not! Yesterday was the first day that someone I didn't tell mentioned my pregnancy; actually five separate people did.  And we all know that we shouldn't ever assume a woman is pregnant unless absolutely sure so now I guess I look absolutely, positively, pregnant, no doubts about it! I'm very happy about this although it does make me nervous that I'm getting closer to the random strangers touching my belly stage, I think I might need this shirt just in case!

Yesterday I left my building on the way to a meeting and got stopped by a coworker who asked me if I had news to share; why yes I do!  Then when I went through security the officer stopped me to tell me I shouldn't have gone through the metal detector since I'm pregnant.  (Which I didn't know, has anyone else heard of this?  I go through them at least once a week, this week three times.)  Then at the meeting someone looked at me and said "Oh, congratulations!  What are you having?"  (To which I always want to reply "a baby" just to be smart, but I am always nicer and say "a girl")  In a second meeting I was asked when I am due.  And finally on the walk back to my car when I stopped to wait for the crosswalk the guy next to me was smoking, looked at my belly and said "oh, let me get out of your way" and moved back a few feet so I was out of his smoke, which I really appreciated. 

I'm so excited about this milestone, I love being pregnant and I want everyone to know!  I am suddenly getting lots of belly looks though.  It's an odd thing to walk into a room and have everyone look at your belly before your face; I don't blame them though, it's just a new thing for me to get used to.


  1. kristen, you can walk through metal detectors. Its not an xray machine, and people will have their opinions of what you can and should or shouldn't do. I would know, I work around both all the time. But if it makes you uncomfortable, I am sure you could opt to do a different type of screening. Wait until you get all the obnoxious comments. I am at the point I want to punch people.

    I got so fed up when someone called me "Preggo" (which I absolutely HATE), that I said "last time I checked I wasn't a spaghetti sauce, my name was Melissa."

    Or "wow you are so big." Last time I checked I was 5'4, I dont have much of a torso, where would you like it to go?. And my belly is supposed to be big. I am 37 weeks pregnant!

    Good luck!!

    1. Yes, everyone has an opinion on the size of my belly. It's either too small and I need to eat or "you still have 4 months left!" Haha, my doctor says it's perfect the way it is, so there! I am only 5' with no torso so I can just imagine what I will look like! :-)

  2. So I have a post scheduled for next week on the belly touching, but let me tell you---I don't like when strangers touch my belly. It totally creeps me out and has already happened more times than I wish. If strangers ASK, I tell them no and they always look stunned. Family & good friends? Doesn't bother me. Random cashier in the grocery store? Don't touch me.

    Good luck...we've both got quite awhile to go still :)
