Wednesday, September 5, 2012

28 Week Update!

Hello third trimester, please be as nice to me as second trimester was!  But if first impressions are accurate I think that's too much to ask for. 

This week Baby Veale is the length of an eggplant (which I'm pretty sure has already been used....she's a bigger eggplant now), measuring about 13.6 to 14.8 inches and weighing in around 1.5 to 2.5 lbs.  Baby Veale's length wise growing will slow down from here on out but she will be gaining weight rapidly, in fact that's her main focus between now and her birth.  Everything else is developed enough that if she were born today she would more than likely survive!

As Baby Girl goes through less changes, I am going through more.  My belly is GROWING and I'm gaining weight.  I'm also a hot mess, quite literally, I am always hot, resulting in a sweaty mess.  I have the AC in my house set to 68 degrees and I still can't get cool while my poor house guests all freeze.  If you are planning a visit to my house any time soon, here's your fair warning, pack your long johns! 

I've also noticed I can see veins through my skin at the top of my thighs, a pregnancy symptom I had heard about being common for desk working moms-to-be.  I thought my foot rest might help prevent it, but no, I have fallen victim to the spider veins.  According to "During pregnancy, there is a huge increase in the amount of blood in the body. This can cause veins to enlarge. The growing uterus also puts pressure on the veins. Varicose veins usually improve within 3 months after delivery."  I'll take comfort in the fact that they will probably go away on their own before the next bathing suit season!

And to top it off, I've also been getting less sleep this past week.  I wake up more often and unlike before, I have a difficult time falling back asleep, I actually feel wide awake in the middle of the night.  I was hoping this would just be temporary but my weekly pregnancy e-mail today stated that women in the third trimester are known for their lack of sleep.  Woo hoo, I guess it's nature's way of trying to get me used to operating on no sleep so I'll be less of a zombie when I do it when Baby Girl is here.

Today I had my first moment of resenting my pregnant body.  I glanced over at a wedding picture on my desk and thought, "I miss that body."  But I quickly bounced back and am still beyond happy that I am pregnant with my Baby Girl.  This weekend I am going to go maternity clothes power shopping.  I think if I can find some clothes that actually fit me I will feel better.  I am still angry about maternity clothes. I only have 12 weeks left of wearing them (yes I know I'll want them for a little while past when Baby is here but let's go with the 12 weeks for now to make me feel better) but I need to buy more since I have gotten so much bigger and the weather will be changing between now and her arrival, and they are NOT cheap.

On the bright side, I've also had moments where I can put my hands on my belly and feel her little body pressing up against them, it's almost as if I have her in my hands.  This brings a wave of happy warm and fuzzies (yes, that is the best thing I could think of to describe it) over me and it makes me want to hold her in my arms so badly.

How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  Up 13 lbs overall.  The “at least 15 lbs” that the doctor wanted me to gain certainly won’t be an issue.  I am worried that I am gaining too quickly now, but I really don't think I could do anything about it at this point. 
Maternity clothes?  I am going maternity clothes power shopping this weekend and will not rest until I find some that fit.  Or until Baby Girl squishes my lungs again and I can’t breathe…
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep:  What’s that? 
Best moment this week:  Feeling her little body press up against my hands, it almost felt like I was holding her.
Miss Anything?  Hubby and clothes, I don’t like wearing the same few outfits over and over and over and over…
Movement:  It’s awesome!
Food cravings: Sweet tooth.
Anything making you queasy or sick: More of the same; bananas, sweet potatoes, and the trash can. 
Belly Button in or out? In but it’s looking more shallow.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Labor signs?  I’m adding in a new question.  None yet but contractions are a very real possibility from here on out!
Looking forward to:  Picking Hubby up at the airport later today.  He’s here for a whole month AND he’ll have weekends off during that time!  WOO HOO!

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