Thursday, September 27, 2012

31 Week Update!

Only 9 more weeks till Baby Girl's due date, ohmygoodness, single digits!!!

Baby Girl's length growth is starting to slow down now.  She's still somewhere in the 15.5 to 17 inches long range, the length of a pineapple.  She is going to start gaining weight rapidly now.  She's around 3 lbs now but at this point will start gaining half a pound a week!  Since she's running out of space in there, she spends most of her time in the fetal position (that's where it gets its name from after all!) but when she does try to stretch out her limbs it stops me in my tracks because it's such a strong movement!  Haha, it's like she knows what I'm thinking, I just stopped typing to sit and watch my belly distorting all around from her movement!  Her brain and lungs are continuing to develop but everything else is pretty much done!  In my personal opinion she's a little smarty all ready so I think her brain is developing rapidly.  Just last night I was a little down because she hadn't moved as much all day.  So Hubby leaned over and said to her, "Can you please move a little bit so Mommy will feel better?"  And sure enough right then she started to move! 

As for me, I'm generally just uncomfortable.  But I have a baby crushing all of my organs, stretching out my skin and muscles, and throwing off my center of gravity so that's to be expected!  She'll also double in weight in the next 9 weeks so I'm expecting to just get more uncomfortable. But I'm so happy to be having a baby and so happy that things are progressing healthily so I can't complain too much!

I'm mentally ready for Baby Girl to be here.  I cannot wait to hold her in my arms and care for her.  But I am not prepared for her to be here yet in terms of material things. We got almost everything we need from our incredibly generous family and friends at our shower but right now it's all in a pile in the foyer. I still need to set everything up, wash all of the linens and clothes, and pack a hospital bag which requires some shopping for things I'll need at the hospital and after her birth.

The shower was amazing.  It was so nice to get to see everyone and the generosity was amazing!  I just wish I had had more time to catch up with everyone too.  It feels so wonderful to know that Baby Girl Veale will be entering the world with such a loving network of family and friends already at her fingertips!  Baby Girl's Grammy and Nana planned everything and every little detail was perfect!  I couldn't have imagined a better day!

I have to include a picture of the master packers.  I can't believe they got everything to fit into our vehicle! 

How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  Up 15 lbs overall.  One pound gain from last week.
Maternity clothes?  I found a few outfits that fit well last week but spent more than I would have liked.  I am now growing out of some of the clothes I had been wearing up until this point!
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep:  A couple hours here and there.  She’s very active at night!
Best moment this week:  The Baby Shower!
Miss Anything?  I’ve really wanted a tuna melt this week.  The doctor says tuna is fine on occasion and I’d say once in 7 months is occasional, but I don’t really want to get a disapproving look from a waitress or lunch companions.  I might have to make myself one this weekend.
Movement:  Any time I’m still, from meetings to watching tv, to trying to sleep.  Sometimes she hurts me when she moves, I think just because she’s so big. But it’s neat watching my whole midsection move around as she fidgets…although it creeps Dan out!
Food cravings: I am in the mood for a tuna melt, but I don’t feel like I NEED a tuna melt so does it count as a craving?  I’m really loving taco salads too, but I wouldn’t say I’m craving them, as much as preferring them to other foods.
 Anything making you queasy or sick: More of the same; bananas, sweet potatoes, and the trash can. 
Belly Button in or out? Neither.  It’s just flat.  Bye bye belly button!  When I told Hubby “at least it’s not an outie yet” he got a really concerned look on his face and replied with “That happens???!!!  Does it ever go back?”  I think Hubby is in for a shocker for what else will be happening to my body, but I do keep assuring him that things do return to normal!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Labor signs?  Nope.  I heard that flossing your teeth and staying hydrated help prevent preterm labor so I’m quite religious about that.  Now I just need work to slow down so I can work on the reducing stress thing…
Looking forward to:  Weekend guests and my Birthday dinner at Founding Farmers!  I have a fun week coming up!

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