Saturday, September 22, 2012

30 Week Update!

I'm a little behind on my weekly updates, super busy week!  I can't believe Baby Girl's due date is less than 10 weeks away!!

This week Baby Girl is the length of a cucumber, ranging between 15.5 to 17 inches from head to toe!  She weighs in at about 3 lbs!  This week her brain is doing even more developing.  She's also starting to shed her lanugo, the fine furry hair that had been coating her body.  This was to help keep her warm but now that she's gaining body fat she no longer needs it!

This week I've experienced some new pains but they are always short lived and I'm always feeling Baby Girl move so I'm not concerned.  I've had a few instances of a sharp pain in my abdomen this week.  I'm guessing it's just from Baby Girl running out of space and kicking and squeezing all different parts of me.  Again, they aren't happening very often and they are not contractions because they don't cause hardening.  Last night I scared Hubby to death because an intense pain in my calf woke me up from a sound sleep and had me clutching my leg and grimacing in pain.  Once I communicated that I was not in labor and that it was just my leg, Hubby was able to fall back asleep.  But other than these intermittent complaints, I've been feeling great and can't really complain!

My toes are now gone!  Which is probably a good thing since I can't paint them anymore.  Now they are out of sight and out of mind!  I tried painting them this week and had to take a break between each toe.  It's painful reaching down to them!

How far along? 30 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  Up 14 lbs overall. 1 pound up from last week.
Maternity clothes?  I actually had a successful shopping trip this week. I just wish it had happened sooner!
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep:  Oh how I miss you. 
Best moment this week: Coming to Massachusetts!  
Miss Anything?  Sleep.
Movement:  Mostly in the middle of the night.
Food cravings: I haven't been particularly hungry this week.  Pumpkin everything has been a craving but that's standard for fall!
 Anything making you queasy or sick: More of the same; bananas, sweet potatoes, and the trash can. 
Belly Button in or out? I insist it's still in, there's a little indentation.  Hubby says it's gone though.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Labor signs?  None yet.
Looking forward to:  Seeing everyone tomorrow!!


  1. Loved this update. So nice to know what is going on with you and BABY. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow!

    Love, Mom V., AKA NANA!

  2. I love this candid recap. Makes me feel like I'm there next to you while you describe it all! Can't wait to see what happens next! Love you very much! Please send my warmest hellos and love to Baby Girl! From her very fun and cool auntie naz :)
