Wednesday, November 7, 2012

37 Week Update!

Woo Hoo, we've reached full term.  My doctor said to do lots of squats and walk around to get things moving because we're all ready for her now.  3 more weeks till the due date though!

At 37 weeks Baby Girl is the size of a wintermelon  (yes a wIntermelon, not a wAtermelon, although it does look like I have a watermelon stuffed under my shirt) at 18.9 to 20.9 inches and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds.  For my sake let's hope that the 6 pounds is more accurate than 9 pounds!!!


 Not much new is going on with Baby Girl.  She's gaining about half an ounce a day (all the more reason I'd love to welcome her into the world sooner rather than later), practicing some skills: inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking, and getting her first sticky poop ready for her first diaper, fun, fun, fun!

I am as ready as I can possibly be for Baby Girl to get here.  I've had all of the material things ready for a while and I feel like I'm mentally ready for delivery (as ready as anyone who has never experienced it before can be) but now I'm also physically ready.  I have had a pretty easy pregnancy.  Aside from some first trimester complications and a limit on my exercise abilities I really don't have a lot to complain about.  My cravings weren't too insane and I felt as healthy as a pregnant lady can.  But now I'm done.  I am sick of carrying around this extra weight and the random aches and pains and now the absolute lack of sleep.  I just want my body back.  And I don't mean that looks wise, I know it will take awhile to get back to where I was before pregnancy, but I want control of my body back!

Newest lovely pregnancy symptom is hot flashes.  I mean, feeling like I'm in a furnace, hot flashes.  I even resort to sleeping with my windows open when it's below freezing outside and taking breaks at work to go stand out in the 40 degree weather to cool off.

I realize that this all makes it seem like I'm miserable.  I'm really not.  I'm still in super high spirits about having a baby and am so happy, I'm just ready for her to be here and so very very very very very tired.

How far along? 37 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  Up 19 lbs overall.  1 lb gain since last week.
Maternity clothes?  Even maternity clothes are uncomfortable now.  I want to wear pajamas all of the time.
Stretch marks? Nope! 
Sleep:  would be absolutely divine.
Best moment this week:  Hearing Baby Girl’s heart beat at the doctor’s, it was so loud and strong this week.  It was the loudest and clearest it has ever been on the Doppler.  I don’t even remember what she told me the rate was because I was only listening to the heart beat.
Miss Anything?  SLEEP.
Movement:  Mostly at night, while I’m trying to sleep. 
Food cravings:  I haven’t been hungry at all lately.  I generally have to force myself to eat something for breakfast.  Doctor confirmed that Baby Girl hasn’t dropped yet so I’m assuming it’s just because I have a full grown baby squashing my stomach.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still all the same culprits but we can now add crab to the list which is odd since it was an early craving.
Belly Button in or out? Neither but it’s really looking like it wants to pop out!
Wedding rings on or off? On which I am really glad about! 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Labor signs?  Nope.  All along I had been happy putting a “Nope” there, but  now I really wish I had something to say! 
Looking forward to:  Not having to sleep on my side!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in a similar situation--I've had a super easy pregnancy and aside from some minor aches and pains, I've felt awesome and loved it. This week? I want her out. OUT OUT OUT. I'm tired, sore and uncomfortable this week. It seriously started pretty much when I hit full term.
