Tuesday, November 27, 2012


"As you reach week 40 of your pregnancy, you may feel as though you’ve been pregnant forever, and would like to give birth to this baby today. It’s normal to be excited, nervous, and irritable all at once."


This is it exactly.  I know her due date hasn't arrived yet (eeeekkk, it's tomorrow!) and that a due date is only an estimate of when she might make her appearance, but I'm just so ready.  I AM excited, nervous, and irritable.  Maybe I should capitalize IRRITABLE....
1.  I'm ready to hold my baby.  I want to hold her in my arms so badly, I think I may not share her at the very beginning.  

2.  I'm ready to see her!  I know newborns come out all covered in guts (yes that's the technical term) and typically have a cone shaped head from making her way out (which is normal, the bones in her skull are not fused yet for just that reason) but I know I will think she's the most beautiful creature on the Earth the very moment I see her.

3.  I'm ready to play with her.  Yes I know it will be awhile before she's really engaged by toys or books, but I'm so excited to spend hours trying to get her to laugh or smile.

4. I am ready to learn her personality.  Yet another thing that will take awhile to develop, but I want to know if she'll be quiet and serious or loud and crazy or anything in between. 

5.  I'm ready to not worry about what's going on in my belly!  I know this will be replaced with even greater worry that I'm doing everything right and that she's healthy, but right now I can't even see her to see how she's doing.

6.  I'm ready to not have feet in my ribs.  This rib pain is really getting to me.  I've even been woken up at night because of the pain.

7.  I'm ready to be able to sleep on my back or stomach, I really hate sleeping on my side.

8.  I'm ready for these hormones to calm down, I feel like I want to fight anyone who gets in my way or disagrees with me.  Hubby has been a trooper these past few weeks.  I feel like I spend more time whining to him or ordering him around than anything else.  I don't mean to, but pregnancy has stolen my filter!  He is amazing and hasn't snapped on me yet!  

9.  I'm ready to know the date that my life will change forever.  I hate not knowing if she's going to come today or in a week or anytime in between.

10.  I'm ready to go on maternity leave.  I am really worrying all the people in my office who think I'm going to give birth in my cubicle and that they'll have to help.  Or that they'll have to drive me to the hospital and I'll give birth in their car.  (Yes, both are sentiments that have been shared with me.)  I get comments and questions all day long, which is to be expected, if I were on the other end I'd be asking the questions too, but it is getting old.

Bottom line, I'm just so ready to be a mom and to not be pregnant anymore.



  1. Kristen...just want to wish you all the best with your new little angel...before and after she comes. Jess said she stares at her phone all day just waiting!
    Good luck, you'll do fine and it'll all be worth it the minute you see her (well, maybe after they clean her up!!)
    Love, Mom Chiaretto

    1. Aw Mommy Chiaretto, thank you so much! We are so excited. I called Jess yesterday and the first thing I said was "No baby yet" because I figured that was her first thought. :-)
