Thursday, November 15, 2012

38 Week Update!

2 weeks till the due date! Time has started to drag.  I feel like I've responded to the "When are you due?" and "How much longer?" a million times with "2 weeks."  I always stop to it really still 2 more weeks?? Yup, it is.  2 weeks seems like an eternity away.

This week Baby Girl is the size of a pumpkin at  19-21 inches and 6-9 lbs!!  She's fully developed and will be able to fully function outside the womb as soon as she decides to do so.

At this point I'm sick of being pregnant, mostly because there doesn't seem to be a point to it anymore. She's fully developed so why is she still hanging out in there???  Come on baby, just come out, we all want to meet you!!!  But she's still nice and cozy in there and doesn't seem to be planning on coming any time soon, although there's no real way of knowing.  She could come tonight or maybe not until December.  The longest the doctors will let her go without inducing is 2 weeks past the due date, that would bring us to 12-12-12 which would be a really cool birthday, but I'd prefer she not hold out for that!

Here are the current standings for the date guesses:

The most popular individual date is November 30th, but 43% of you think she'll come within the next week so I'm hoping you are right!  I really hope Shirley is right and she comes tomorrow ;-)

Dan and I had maternity photos taken last weekend (thanks Rose!)  I had been debating getting them done, I mean what girl doesn't want pictures done when she weighs 20 lbs more than she ever has?  Well I am definitely glad we did it, while there were a few photos that showed how awkward I feel with this giant belly, there were also a lot of really nice ones that document how happy Dan and I are to be able to go through this experience.  I'll share some with you soon! 

How far along? 38 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  Up 20 lbs overall, eeesssshhhhh!
Maternity clothes?  Even maternity clothes are uncomfortable now.  I want to wear pajamas all of the time.  A few of my maternity shirts are too small now.
Stretch marks? Nope! 
Sleep:  what’s that?  Dan hasn’t gotten much sleep this week either because of his schedule, is it bad that I’m kind of happy we are sharing the same sleepy miserableness together?
Best moment this week:  Hearing Baby Girl’s heart beat at the doctor’s, best part about having weekly appointments now!
Miss Anything?  Being comfortable.
Movement:  Mostly at night, while I’m trying to sleep.  We definitely have a night owl on our hands!
Food cravings:  Ginger Ale.  Not cravings so much as the only things that seem appealing: chicken or turkey stew or ravioli or tortellini with broccoli, butter, and salt.  I’ve been wanting cheese pizza too but know better than to eat it with this heart burn.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Anything other than the above.
Belly Button in or out? Neither but it’s really looking like it wants to pop out!
Wedding rings on or off? On which I am really glad about! 
Happy or Moody most of the time: MOODY :-/
Labor signs?  Unfortunately not. 
Looking forward to:  caffeine.

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