Thursday, November 29, 2012

40 week update!

Yesterday marked 40 weeks and Baby Girl's due date!  She's approximately the size of a jack fruit now (whatever that is) at 18 to 20 inches and 6 to 9 lbs. 

She's fully developed and not much has changed since last week, except that she's put on more weight!  Her heart rate was strong at 146 yesterday and she's very content and cozy in there.  Which is smart on her part since it's pretty cold out this week and of course our heat decided to stop working yesterday and no one has come to fix it yet.  While I slept much more comfortably with no heat in 20 degree weather, I would have been way too nervous to keep a newborn there and we probably would have found a hotel for the night.

If baby girl does not decide to come on her own this week or weekend we will get to see her briefly on Monday for an ultrasound to make sure she really is happy in there.  I'll also be sent for a non-stress test to check on her as well.  If both of those go well and she still doesn't want to come, I have been scheduled for an induction on Wednesday.  I have a feeling I will be at that appointment on Wednesday morning...

I was in such a cheery mood to be walking around on my due date with no signs of baby coming that I bought muffins for my house full of people.

But being 40 weeks pregnant was the perfect ammunition needed to convince Hubby that we should get our Christmas tree.  We put the lights on last night so we literally ended our due date on a bright note!  And it's actually pretty fun to answer "When are you due?" with "Today."  The reactions I get are pretty amusing.

I really can't complain too much, I still have this pregnancy thing pretty easy.  I only get really frustrated when I get stuck.  I sleep between two mounds of pillows to keep me on my side.  But sometimes when I'm trying to switch sides I get stuck on my back between the two piles and feel an awful lot like an overturned turtle.  I've needed to ask for help getting up a few times too, I hate needing help to do something so simple so that's when I get the most frustrated.

How far along? 40 weeks

Total weight gain/loss:  Up 22 lbs overall

Maternity clothes?  I’ve given up on the dresses and just rotate through my 3 pairs of work pants and 2 pairs of jeans because I’d much rather sit like a guy with my legs spread than with my knees together.  

Stretch marks? Nope!  Grateful for this.

Sleep:  I got a few good nights of sleep this week, only waking up once, while family was in town.  But as soon as they went home I went back to waking up a lot.  The past two nights were every hour!

Best moment this week:  Spending Thanksgiving with family!  I'm so thankful to be bringing Baby Girl into a family that loves her so much already.  She is definitely blessed with amazing grandparents, aunts, and uncles.

Miss Anything?  Being comfortable.

Movement:  Not as much now, she’s definitely cramped.  I generally have to put my hand on my belly and feel around to tell if she’s moving.
Food cravings:  Nothing in particular.

Anything making you queasy or sick: All the same things…the sweet potatoes, bananas, and crab are the worst.

Belly Button in or out? Neither but it’s really looking like it wants to pop out, I’m wondering if that’s what she’s waiting for…if it needs to pop out like a turkey timer to say she’s done!

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: MOODY but only if you aren’t being super nice to me :-P

Labor signs?  A little crampy...maybe early contractions?  

Looking forward to:  Not having to answer the phone with "no baby yet."

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