Thursday, November 8, 2012

Cast your vote!

Let's forget the stress of the Presidential Election and have a little more fun with this ballot!  When do you think Baby Girl will make her appearance and how much do you think she'll weigh?

Here are some facts to help guide your decision:

I am my mom's oldest and was born 6.5 weeks early and under 5 lbs.

Dan (and Shanna, yes he's a twin) is also his mom's oldest and was also born 6.5 weeks early and under 5 lbs.

Baby Girl's due date is November 28th.

I've had essentially no labor signs aside from one Braxton Hicks contraction about a month ago.

I have gained 19 lbs.

According to the doctor I am currently at 1 centimeter and Baby Girl has not dropped in to position yet.  

Baby Girl is head down.

So what do you think?  Want any more information to make your decision?  Just ask away!


  1. I'm going for November 30th! I think she's going to be small--under 7lbs.

  2. November 23rd, 7lbs 3 ounces.
