Monday, November 19, 2012

Now what?

Everyone kept telling me this baby would come early.  So we prepared for her to come really early.  We got her furniture set up, packed the hospital bag, installed the car seat, bought everything on the new baby checklist, but now what?  We've been done with all of those things for weeks.  So I've just been waiting.  I was happy waiting until 37 weeks when she was considered full term.  But now that she's full term and just hanging out in there I am getting very impatient.


The not knowing is getting to me.  We left the nursery this weekend and I told them "we'll be back for a Christmas tree next weekend." Then thought...maybe not.  Maybe baby will be here and we won't be ready to go out tree shopping next weekend.  It's odd to think that I could be pregnant for just one more day or she could be late and I could be pregnant for 3 more weeks (which seems like an eternity!)  I wish babies were able to give an exact date that they would choose to arrive!

In the mean time we are going with some old wives' tales to naturally induce labor.

1.  Walk:  We've been walking the dogs a lot and shopping a lot and I make sure to get up and walk around the office often.  So far walking does not seem to do a thing.

2.  Squats:  Apparently squats can help the hips widen and coax the baby to drop and engage.  I've been doing squats every day during the entire pregnancy since I have heard that they can make labor easier.  I've added some wide sumo squats and stretches to the regimen this week too to hopefully help stretch things out!  I also helped Dan with some yard work this weekend, the only thing that accomplished was the inability to walk up the stairs without grimacing in pain.

3.  Spicy Food: This weekend I topped my chicken with "Devil's Spit" and "Wilbur's Revenge" BBQ sauce.  That just resulted in heart burn.

4.  Exercise Ball:  Apparently sitting on the ball and just moving back and forth and side to side is also supposed to help open up the hips.  I've also added bouncing around on it too to try to get her to come out.  Again, nothing.

5.  Dancing:  Yes, I've been dancing around the house.  Swaying hips are said to get the baby to drop and engage as well, but I think she just enjoys it.

6.  Galloping: Haha, yes, I laughed out loud when I read this one. Apparently some women claim that imitating a horse galloping is what induced labor.  No, I have not tried this one. 

I'm hoping my efforts have at least helped things progress. I'm anxious for Wednesday's appointment to find out!

1 comment:

  1. I'd be interested to hear if you try the galloping :)

    I'm anxious could happen at any moment, or she could hang in there for another 2.5 weeks. I feel like I have to have a contingency plan for EVERYTHING...I want to schedule a massage and a hair cut, but I'll get dinged with cancellation charges if I don't give 24 hours notice (I've been calling in the mornings hoping to get in if someone else cancels last minute). I'm doing some things around the house but I want everything done NOW in case I have a baby tomorrow....

    Ahhh we are so close!
