Tuesday, June 26, 2012

10 months??

Whenever anyone asks how far along I am I answer in weeks.  I know that they don't really care about how many weeks and that they really want an answer in months...there's always a moment where I can see them doing the math in their heads or sometimes they just come right out and ask, "how many months is that?"  This question is not as easy to answer as one might think.

Doctors and all of the books, apps, and information websites out there start the timeline before you are even pregnant.  The earliest you even find out you are pregnant (I'm talking naturally here, not the fancy early response tests) is 4 weeks!  So one month is down before you even knew it!  So there are nine months left after that point. But those doctors and books all say 40 weeks, that's 10 MONTHS!!!  So as I hit 18 weeks tomorrow, I am not quite halfway yet.  Halfway in the counting weeks world is 20 weeks. 

So when I'm asked how many months I am, I'm not quite sure how to answer.  Technically at 18 weeks I'm 4.5 months.  But then people would assume that I'm due in 4.5 months when in reality I'm due in 5 months.  I guess I'll have to just start giving a swag, I mean no one would really expect me to say 4.5 months, so I'll just go with 4 months for now.  And when I spend an extra week telling people I'm a certain month, hopefully they won't notice!  :-)

I guess we can't complain about being pregnant for 10 months though when elephants are pregnant for 22 MONTHS!  Eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, no thanks!


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