Friday, June 8, 2012

Week 15 Update

This week Baby Veale is the size of an apple. I wonder if that's why I'm craving them this week? And I just realized that all of these weekly measurements are the 'crown to rump' lengths so this excludes the legs!  With the legs growing even longer this week this means that Baby Veale, from head to toe, is already longer than an apple, grow baby, grow!  Although baby’s eyelids are still fused shut, he or she can sense light!

Enter: overwhelming feelings!  25 weeks left to go!  It seems like such a short amount of time and there’s still so much to do. 

The news is spreading across my office and it’s fun getting all of the “congratulations!”  Now that everyone knows I get to talk about pregnancy and babies to people other than Hubby and I’m enjoying it.  I’m sure my coworkers are sick of hearing me talk about stroller and monitor options, but that’s not going to stop me!  

I'm also finally starting to show.  This week I have a definite lazy carboholic baby belly!  I'll start taking belly shots tonight for proof!  Now that I have this little belly, I'm coming to the realization that I will eventually have a really big belly.  I have an irrational fear of strangers coming up and feeling my big baby belly.  Why do people think that's okay?  I like my personal space.  I'm not sure how I'll handle that one yet, but there's still time!

How far along? 15 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  down 5 lbs
Maternity clothes?  Not yet but I’ll be hitting the stores this weekend, my clothes are getting very uncomfortable!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I can generally sleep through the night now although the side sleeping is still horribly uncomfortable.  I sleep in a “fortress of solitude;” in fact, I say good bye to Hubby instead of good night.  I sleep with my big pregnancy pillow on one side of me, an extra pillow under my head, and yet another pillow propped under my back to keep me from rolling back to the more comfortable position.
Best moment this week:  We had another doctor’s appointment and got to hear the heartbeat again; fast and strong at 161 beats per minute.
Miss Anything? Exercising, I got the okay last weekend but the only thing I’ve been brave enough to do are some pushups and squats.  I signed up for prenatal pilates starting this weekend!  I’m really missing COFFEE this week.  It was one of the smells that made me feel nauseous in my first trimester but now when it reaches 2pm and I’m staring at the computer screen in my cubicle, coffee is all I can think about.
Movement: none yet, I’m starting to get antsy in anticipation.
Food cravings: FRUIT, apples and grapes in particular;  Pasta and rice; I discovered I really like clam chowder poured over pasta and have made it multiple times.
 Anything making you queasy or sick: Sweet potatoes, bacon, bananas, and Thai food; I love Thai food and am hoping this is not going to last the whole pregnancy.  A new one this week is Caesar salad dressing which is odd since it was one of my cravings early on.
Have you started to show yet: YES!  Between Sunday and Tuesday I popped!  On Sunday I had my normal flat stomach and by Tuesday I had a very noticeable bump, I didn’t think there could be that much change in such a short period of time!  It’s still small enough that people will probably just think I’ve been overindulging on sweets…and actually I have been overindulging on pasta and not working out so I’m sure it has something to do with it…but either way, it’s a bump as a result of the baby!  
Gender prediction: I’m suddenly feeling like I’m carrying a girl in there.  This is probably just a result of my shopping trip to buy a gift for a friend’s baby girl, now I have baby girl fever.  But to hubby there is still a baby boy in there!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender.  I want to shop for clothes and bedding!!!

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