Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Nursery Inspiration

I am so excited to find out Baby Veale's gender.  Only 20 more days, but who's counting?  So for the next 20 days I will be narrowing down nursery ideas so I can start working on it as soon as possible!

Let's start with the boy's nursery.  I am an Etsy addict, if you haven't discovered all the cool and unique hand made items on Etsy yet, get you butt cursor over there to take a look!  Anyways, I had been struggling with a theme for a boy nursery, but as soon as I saw these amazing wall letters on Etsy I knew it would be RED SOX!!!

(The baby's name will not be Brody.)  I don't know what took me so long to come to the realization that a Red Sox theme nursery would be perfect, I mean our dogs are named Fenway and Wally (their mascot).  Playing around on Pinterest (another addicting website) I found a few more photos for inspiration.

 The red and blue bedding as well as a navy blue glider will be on the must have list.  As well as this amazing Fenway scoreboard!

So while I thought I'd be a little disappointed in not being able to buy pink frilly clothing, I will be so excited to put together a Red Sox nursery if we find out Baby Veale is a boy!

Now let's move on to the girl nursery.  I haven't gotten any real theme inspiration but I do know that baby girl will have a chandelier in her room.  The walls in the nursery are already a bright blue shade so I think we will keep with it and go with a blue and bright pink theme...our wedding colors to boot, oh how I could go for that pretty candy buffet right now!  Ah, back on track...

Other than knowing that I want lots of bright pink accents (I've already scoped out an awesome lamp at the antique store and a bright pink glider) I don't think I'll have an overwhelming theme.   But I have been loving elephants lately.  I think there might be some random elephant accents thrown in around the room.

Tomorrow marks week 17 for Baby Veale.  The produce size comparison for tomorrow is one of my strong food aversions so I may be searching the market for something similarly sized! :-)


  1. Now after seeing my obvious excitement over the red sox theme typed out, I am thinking that enough pink red sox gear exists to make a pink red sox nursery!!! :-) hhhmmmmm

  2. I love both ideas!!!! So sweet! This is so exciting. 17 weeks, 3 more weeks is the half way mark!

    Nana Veale

  3. Omg i looooove your choices!! i just loooove the elephant lamp!! Auntie Shan

  4. Of course I Love the Red Sox Theme for Baby Boy Veale. That will look so awesome. And the pink frills will be lots of fun. Just can't wait to start shopping!
    Grammy Johnson

  5. Wondering about how to get Red Sox wall letters made for my sons. Please email me if you can help. Tgnichols82@gmail.com Thank you.
