Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Week 16 Update!

This week Baby Veale is the size of an avocado (avocado photo shoot to come)!  Baby measures in at about 4.5 inches crown to rump! And did I mention that the week 13 ultrasound revealed really long legs?  Let's hope that he or she gets height from Dad!  This week Baby is growing toenails and the little heart is working hard to pump 25 quarts of blood a day!

I started my Prenatal Pilates class last Saturday and it's fantastic!  There were about 10 ladies all at different stages of pregnancy, one lady's due date is 4 days after the last class of the 6 week session! The instructor was incredibly knowledgeable and not only led us through pregnancy appropriate exercises but also told us how each exercise would benefit us during pregnancy, labor, and afterwards.  She also pointed out exercises to avoid while pregnant and even movements to avoid during every day activities and explained why and what to do instead.  Not only was it very informative, but my muscles were feeling the burn!  I was sore for two days afterwards and look forward to having the energy to do the exercises at home on my own and to learn more this weekend!  I also found a Prenatal Yoga class that I want to try out as well.

I got an e-mail stating that at week 16 I should be starting to get the pregnancy glow.  I'm guessing they don't mean this skin that has me wanting to trade it for my high school skin and the five days of no sleep bags under my eyes, are not their idea of glowing.  I've been so congested that I have not been able to sleep since Friday night.  Thanks to all the Facebook suggestions from friends I have ordered a humidifier and will pick up some Breathe Right strips on the way home so hopefully that will help.  Now if anyone has suggestions for how to get my skin to clear up, I'm listening!  Oh, I want that glow!

So if you haven't guessed by the last paragraph, I've been a little grouchy this week.  BUT I got a huge mood lifter last night!  We got the stroller we picked out, thanks Nana and Gramps!  I'm slightly obsessed with this stroller.  We spent a good hour at Babies R' Us picking out the perfect stroller and I think we found it.  Obviously I haven't had the chance to actually use it for its intended purpose yet, but it's so light, ACTUALLY folds up with one hand as claimed, is easy to maneuver, and is small enough to fit in the back of my car!  I love it!

How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  down 6 lbs
Maternity clothes?  Not yet but more of my clothes aren’t fitting comfortably anymore!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Hasn’t happened much this week due to the congestion and nose bleeds.  Here’s hoping that the humidifier that’s on the way and the breathe right strips I’ll pick up on the way home tonight help! 
Best moment this week:  We had another doctor’s appointment and got to hear the heartbeat again; fast and strong at 161 beats per minute.
Miss Anything? Sleep which has also contributed to my overwhelming desire for an IV drip of some COFFEE!!!
Movement: none yet, I’m starting to get antsy in anticipation, I’ve read that it generally happens between week 16 (NOW) and week 18, but for first pregnancies it tends to be on the later end.
Food cravings: Cucumbers, I ate an entire English cucumber in one sitting yesterday and if I had any left I would have had another for breakfast this morning.
 Anything making you queasy or sick: The kitchen trash can, which is in the pantry, so now the pantry makes me queasy; dirty dishes, sorry Dan, and pretty much any foods other than raw veggies (excluding lettuce…think I’d get a weird look for ordering a salad with no lettuce?) with Italian dressing and rice.  I feel fine all day long but the food aversions are still no fun…although yesterday, I think due to my congestion and not really being able to taste or smell too much, I was able to top my rice with some curry chicken.  It's weird that foods I loved last week...clam chowder and pasta, are now aversions.
Have you started to show yet: YES!  Now I’m looking forward to the point where I look pregnant and not just wider than usual!
Gender prediction: Don’t know.  Hubby still thinks boy, but I’m leaning towards girl now.  We’ll find out in a month!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On, they’ve actually been too big this week but I’m sure that will not last.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I haven’t slept in 5 nights, take a guess! 
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender.  I want to shop for clothes and bedding!!!


  1. I don't think I have the "glow" yet either. I've had acne since week 6---I guess this is payback for having clear skin as a teenager. It's not as bad as it was, but I still think my skin looks terrible.

    I feel for you!

  2. Haha, I have my fingers crossed that it means I'm having a girl...they say if the baby steals your beauty then it's a girl. :-) Either way, the end result is worth it!
