Monday, June 18, 2012

Worth it.

I have been complaining an awful lot lately.  I seem to be getting every pregnancy symptom in the book and most of them are not the most desirable.  I often hear back from people that the end result will be worth it.  I cannot wait for "the end result!"  I cannot wait to feel my heart expand the first time I hold my baby, I am so excited to be a mom.

But the truth is, it's already worth it.  I cannot accurately describe how much I already love this little baby growing inside of me; yes the same one my doctor described as a tumor when I complained of nausea, cramps, headaches, congestion, food aversions, and now back pain and strange dreams.  I lay in bed at night, horribly uncomfortable on my side, but once I place my hand on my growing belly and think of the baby, MY baby that's growing there, I can't help but smile.  It's an immense love that I have no words for and I know that it will only grow stronger.

Not only is my love for Baby Veale growing stronger each day, I also feel more connected to Dan than ever before.  If you ever wondered why pregnant women rest their hand on or rub their bellies all of the time, it's because it brings on an amazing feeling of connection and love to the baby and to his or her father.  And it's not just the growing love and connection to Dan that makes it more special, it's also the whole new side of him it brings out.  There is nothing like seeing your husband wheeling around dozens of different strollers through the aisles of the store or analyzing the safety of different car seats.  And it feels wonderful when he shows up at the house with whatever food I am craving that day!

On a side note, I have an important date to share!  On July 9th, provided Baby Veale is not camera shy, we should find out if we are having a boy or girl!


  1. Ah the gender reveal!! I am super excited for you guys to find out whether the little one is a boy or girl.

    Hopefully you will not have the experience we had. We had a "novice" tech and she was unable to get all the photos she needed and had to call another tech in to finish the job. She complained that the baby was moving around too much. The whole thing lasted an hour and a half and we didn't find out the gender until the second tech came in.

    1. Ugh, I'm sorry! At least you got to see the baby for a longer time! I guess a doctor and a tech will be present for mine...I freaked out because the doctor referred me to a different place for the ultrasound and when I called to schedule they asked why I was high risk and explained that they are a high risk pregnancy facility. So I called my doctor back all worried but apparently they just do a better job on the ultrasounds than the normal place so my doctor likes it better. Hopefully the baby cooperates! :-)
