Thursday, June 28, 2012

Things to appreciate while I can...

I got this post idea from another pregnant blogger (expecting twins!!!!!!) at Red Fish Blue Fish .

Here's a list of things I am really appreciating while I still can...

1.  Dangling earrings; once Baby starts getting grabby I certainly won't want to be wearing anything he or she can pull out of my ears!  So I'm making sure I get plenty of wear out of them while I can!

2.  Loving my belly; I've never had a super body image.  I know I was a healthy weight but I just never felt incredibly comfortable with my midsection.  Right now I'm loving my bigger belly.  I still think I tend to look overweight instead of pregnant in clothing, but I love the way my bare belly looks.  I stop to check it out in the full length mirror every morning and night and it makes me smile. 

3.  Sleeping for more than 2 hours at a time;  Newborns feed every 2 hours!?!  I didn't know this one until I started reading my pregnancy books.  Yeah I knew I'd be getting way less sleep but didn't realize it would only be in 2 hour intervals!

4.  Puppy snuggle time; I am smothering Wally and Fenway now because once Baby Veale arrives it will all be Baby snuggle time!

Wally thinks I bought the pregnancy pillow for him.

5.  Long showers; I am enjoying showering on my own schedule.  It won't be long before I'll be hopping in for a super quick shower when I can get Baby entertained or asleep.

6.  Dessert;  I surprisingly don't want it as often as I thought I would, but when I do I'm not feeling guilty about indulging in dessert :-)

7.  Non-baby proofed house; It will still be quite a while before we have to worry about Baby getting into outlets or cabinets but I will enjoy not having to press extra buttons or levers in order to get something out of a cabinet!

If you can think of anything else I should be taking full advantage of now while I can, let me know!

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